ORIGINS: ReformedTheol&Science
Fri, 29 Nov 1996 06:08:35 -0500


I am more interested in the interaction between science and Reformed theology
than I am in what or what is not intelligently designed. You wrote,

"Concerning my theology: I'm unapologetically in the Reformed,
presuppositional, C. Van Til camp. Nothing is neutral in creation. All that
is demands a religious response and we either worship God or we commit
idolatry. No doubt you will find some theologians to deny my claims, but I
did not invent these ideas--they are central in Kuyperian, Dooyeweerdian, and
Van Tillian approaches to faith and knowledge."

I'm not questioning or challenging your theology. My own fundamental
theology is also Reformed. In your paper you wrote that every fact of
creation drips with evidence of God as the creator. I agree. But you have
separated your scientific description of the evolution of the hemoglobin
molecule from your theological declarations. Your science is very detailed
and specific. Your theology is general and removed. I wouuld like to know
how you apply your theology to the scientific data and theory?

As an example, take the first step in the evolution of the hemoglobin
molecule. As you say it starts with gene duplication, with the original gene
preserving its primitive function and the second copy being altered by
mutation, providing a source of new material on which selection can operate.
This process is a fact, and thus should be dripping with evidence of the
creating God. Right? Would you be willing to spell out with as much
specificity as you can what evidence you find for such a God in this fact?
Does God interact in this process? Does he select and induce mutations? Is
the process ultimately based on chance movement of atoms and molecules or on
divine guidance. If the latter, how? And can you do the same in principle
for other steps? If I am missing some major point in your theology, please
let me know. (In passing, I would like to know why the original gene is not
mutated whereas the copy is. If they are copies of each other shouldn't they
be equally subject to mutation?)

In Christ,
