Re: BIBLE: Quantum computers & Many Worlds Hypoth.

Glenn Morton (
Fri, 30 Aug 1996 21:56:17

Loren wrote:

>Assuming that the many-worlds quantum interpretation could be proved, THEN
>we would need to know something about how the brain works. Are important
>personal decisions in any way analogous to a "quantum measurement"? Does
>a personal decision really "split" yourself into multiple universes, each
>universe corresponding to one possible decision?

Of course we would have to split at each decision point. The fact that the
"me" in this world remembers becoming a christian, the "me" in that world has
a different memory. Since memories are partially related to neronal
connections, this means that the quantum state of the "this-world-me" and the
"that-world-me" are different. Two objects with different quantum states are
different objects.

>IF we assume all that (!), what would be the theological and philosophical
>implications? It seems to me that in this case, free will _effectively_
>would not exist. (Yes, you could still make choices, but every possible
>choice you could make would spring into existence. Your current state
>of being would essentially be a victim of a particular quantum history.)
>If free will was subverted in this way, I would immediately
>compell you and myself to read Jonathan Edward's book on the subject
>of free will. (I wouldn't give you or myself any choice in the matter,
>because if I did, versions of ourselves might not read it. ;-) I haven't
>read that book yet, but as I understand it, Edwards argues _against_ the
>notion of free will, at least as it was popularly conceived in his time.
>There might be some other good theologians of the past who have deeply
>considered the implications of no-free-will, too, but I don't know of any

I agree that there are lots of assumptions which must be met before this will
become a problem. But that gives us time to deal with some of the issues.

One thing that I see as disappearing in a MWH universe is the concept that I
am a unique creation of God. If I am just one of every possible permutation
of "me" then I am not very special. God has no plan for my life at all and
His will is meaningless. His will is for me to be one of an ensemble of
beings, who collectively will do everything conceivable I could do. God's
sovreignty is an impotence. How can God claim to be in control when there is
nothing to control? God's foreknowledge would seem to be trivial. He would
know that everything will happen. I can't see how omnipresence is hurt though.

Foundation,Fall and Flood