Jack Collins' suggestion

John W. Burgeson (73531.1501@compuserve.com)
21 May 96 20:08:03 EDT

Sounds like a good suggestion, Jack. Particularly now that the "digest" version
of the reflector allows some of us to cut down on the traffic a bit!

My "brief bio" follows:

Name: John W. Burgeson (Burgy to most people for the past 60 or so years)
Locations: Youngstown, Ohio, Pittsburgh, Tallahassee, Panama City, FL,
Cleveland, Akron, Wheaton IL, Boca Raton, Austin, TX.
Education: BS & MS in Physics, Carnegie Tech (1953) and Florida State Univ
Career #1 as a physicist with the government, 1955-56
Careers # 2, 3 & 4 with IBM, 1957-1992. Computer Systems Engineer; Planner,
market research..
Active in the Civil Rights movement of the early and mid 60s.
Career #5 as an independent consultant, 1992-1994, in market research. Retired
in 1994.
Member of the ASA for a dozen years or so.
Presbyterian (PCUSA) , with close ties to So Baptist, Quakers, Church of God,
and other past denominations.
Active as a sysop on Compuserve's RELIGIOUS ISSUES forum
Married to a great lady, Carol, whom I met in 1st grade.
Eight kids, three of which are adopted Koreans. I forget which ones. Five
perfect grandchildren.
Addicted (as is Carol) to baseball and sports cars and ever learning more and
more about how to walk in Jesus' footsteps. One of these learning experiences
came for both of us recently as we participated in a "Walk to Emmaus." These
weekend happenings are put on by Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Methodists, and
others; they are based on a Catholic experience back in the 50s. Recomended
without reservation.

I picked up a motto a few weeks ago from an article about the columnist "Dear
Abby." She put it this way:

Different is good.
Tolerance is essential.
The closest you will ever get to real godliness is standing up for someone who
is not like you.

I like that.
