Re: Genesis Flood

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 09 May 1996 06:27:25

Dick wrote:

>In my book Adam was created by God and lived 930 years. All his kin
>lived nice, ripe, old ages. We aren't talking about Sumerians who were
>racially distinct and spoke an unrelated language and died before 50.

There are skeletal changes which occur with age. I am unaware of having
found any skeletons in Mesopotamia showing exaggerated age signs.

Besides, with your view of having the Adamic line live extraordinarily
long lives compared with everyone else around them, makes it unlikely that
they were good substitutes for the rest of humanity. They were different
from all other humanity. So why would the sin of a different creature be
sufficient to condemn me?

Dick wrote:

>Glenn countered:
>>There is a major difference. Nothing floating on the Mississippi River
>>floated north during that time. This is what you say the ark did.
>> There is not enough of an energy source to move the ark north against a
>>5 mph current! (See my post Physics of a Mesopotamian Flood) If you
>>wanted to float an object north, especially an object that large, you
>>can't push it up hill. If the water lifts it to the required elevation,
>>then it can easily go there. But that would require Florida to be
>>Floating objects do not float against the current! Please cite one
>>reference to an object in the 1993 Mississippi flooding which floated
>>north or upstream!
>Had you and I been sitting in a boat in a flooded field in Iowa we
>could have gone in any direction. The water sat there for months
>just like a lake. It didn't flow south until the Mississippi had
>drained away enough water. That is possibly what happened in
>Southern Mesopotamia.

NO. It can't be what happened. I will draw this for you. (I hope the
formatting makes it through OK.)

3000 ft \ elevation
\ Shuruppak
\ |
- - ---- 20 ft elevation.
|<- 1000 km -> |


This is the elevation profile that you have in going from lower
MEsopotamia to Qardu in Turkey. If you want to have a flat water surface
as you suggest above, so that the ark can float to the 3000 foot elevation
level, then this is what it would look like.
Mt Qardu
3000 ft \____________________water surface----->
\ 3000 feet deep out here
\ Shuruppak
\ |
- - ---- 20 ft elevation.
|<- 1000 km -> |


Now you have a flat surface so that the ark can float to the 3000 foot
elevation level. But the flood at Shuruppak, Ur and other southern
Mesopotamian cities must have been 3000 feet deep. It wasn't or everyone
would have died and the civilization been wiped out. The civilization
continued hardly interupted. If the water was flat at 3000 foot elevation
level and stayed that way for months, , then the rest of the world was
also flooded. The water surface could not remain flat for months if the
rest of the world wasn't flooded.

What you had in Iowa if you drew it from the Rocky mountains to the sea
would look like this.

3000 ft \ elevation
\Iowa---flatland; water can stay for a while.
- - ---- 20 ft elevation.

What you are suggesting
Foundation,Fall and Flood