Re: "God of the Gaps"

Paul Arveson (
Thu, 14 Mar 96 12:21:07 EST

In message <> Glenn Morton writes:

> But in the case of DNA, information theory has shown that we can never decide
> whether it was random chance or a Designer who created the DNA in living
> systems. To me that is a significant point.
> glenn
Good point, Glenn. It may perhaps be generalized to state that on the basis of
observation alone, fallen humans will never be able to decide whether or not
there is a God -- a point made by the Reformers; hence the need for Scripture.

I can't help but relate this to another example -- the story about Penzias and
Wilson, when they were using a large microwave antenna to determine the cosmic
background noise level. They received an unexpected high noise level, and
thought it might come from a resistive residue in the antenna -- left by nesting
pigeons. They concluded, 'we're either looking at the creation of the universe,
or pigeon droppings.'

(This is an old story that has often been told; but it is not an urban legend.)

Paul Arveson, Research Physicist
(301) 227-3831 (W) (301) 227-1914 (FAX) (301) 816-9459 (H)
Code 724, NSWC, Bethesda, MD 20084