Re: pi=3? (and introduction)

Paul Arveson (
Sat, 9 Mar 96 09:26:27 EST

In message <> Allan Harvey writes:

> If such categories matter, I am firmly old-Earth and am an agnostic with
> regard to how much use God made of "evolutionary" processes in bringing life
> to its current state. If I have a personal mission in this area, I see it
> as countering the twin myths: a) Christianity is only for ignorant people.
> and b) Science is an enemy of the faith. And trying to heal the false
> science vs. faith dichotomies that give rise to such myths.
> I look forward to interesting discussions that will help us to better serve
> our Lord in our workplaces, churches, and wherever the opportunity arises.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Dr. Allan H. Harvey | |


Dr. Harvey:

Welcome to ASA! I trust that in the future you will help us to deal with
issues more profound than "pi=3"! But we discuss practically anything here, so
don't be afraid to bring your questions or news.
Such as what is thermophysics?

Paul Arveson, Research Physicist
(301) 227-3831 (W) (301) 227-1914 (FAX) (301) 816-9459 (H)
Code 724, NSWC, Bethesda, MD 20084