Is the universe all there ever was, is, or will be?

Is the natural world a frontier to be conquered or a wilderness to be preserved?

Can the culture wars in government education be resolved?

Are we the product of purposeless forces that did not have us in mind?

Will advances in biotechnology and medicine obsolete traditional ethics?

What is the relationship between science and a biblical world-view?

Where can you find Christians in science addressing these issues?

In America's oldest fellowship of Christians in science, the

committed to understanding the relationship of science to the Christian faith.

The ASA offers resources to those:

"The ASA has distributed over 100,000 copies of [this] booklet urging school teachers to be aware of the unanswered scientific questions about Darwinism and to avoid slipping in the unwarranted assumption that evolution in effect displaces God." Time magazine, 28 December 1992, pp. 42-43.

Nuclear fusion is a new, clean and safe energy source. Research physicist Dr. Robert Kaita leads a research team at one of America's leading nuclear fusion centers, the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab. His work involves challenges to commercialization of fusion, natural law, God and the excitement of doing physics. Robert says, "A well-established method of science is to test promising assumptions, or hypotheses. A hypothesis for science itself is that the Creator gave us laws of nature that we can discover. Three centuries of scientific progress support this assumption."

tells how a California school board set policy on teaching science that ousted "isms" from the biology classroom. A key excerpt is reprinted from their science instruction regulation that can be used as a model for other districts wanting to establish an improved policy.

A thinking person living in today's world can hardly avoid developing some kind of a pattern within which to express a view of both scientific and theological information. This book describes possible patterns for relating science and Christian faith and provides a balanced critique of each. Such an understanding is essential for an effective witness to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior in a world dominated by the ideas and results of science.

Order the above items from:

American Scientific Affiliation
P.O. Box 668
Ipswich, MA 01938
(508) 356-5656