Preliminary Program

"The Oceans: Bearing Witness to the Greatness and Wonder of God's Works"

The Joint Meeting of the American Scientific Affiliation and the Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation

August 4 - 7, 2000
Gordon College
Wenham, Massachusetts

Plenary Speakers:

Ray Gambell, OBE, Secretary International Whaling Commission
Susan Drake Emmerich, Director, Tangier Watermen's Stewardship for the Chesapeake

"The seas have lifted up, O Lord, the seas have lifted up their voice: the seas have lifted up their pounding waves. Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea--the Lord on high is mighty" --Psalm 93: 3-4 (NIV).

Friday - August 4, 2000
2:00-7:00 PM
6:00-7:00 PM Dinner - Lane Student Center
7:30 PM Welcoming Speakers and Announcements: Jay Hollman - President, ASA; R. Judson Carlberg - President, Gordon College; Jerry McNatt - Local Arrangements Chair; Dick Wright and Harry Cook - Program Chairs
8:00 PM Plenary Address: "Managing Creation -- Or at least Whales" - Ray Gambell
9:15 PM Mixer

Saturday - August 5, 2000
7:30-8:15 AM
Breakfast - Lane Student Center
Publications Breakfast
8:30-9:00 AM
Music & Devotions and Announcements

Session I
9:15-10:30 AM

Aquaculture as a Strategy for Sustainable Food Production and Environmental Stewardship - Steven G. Hall
Maintaining the Delicate Balance of the Arctic Ocean Circulation - David C. Chapman
The Mangrove Ecosystem: A Kingdom by the Sea - Brian L. Duncan

A Revolution in the Understanding of the Family Values - John E. LaMuth
A Christian Perspective of Alternative Medicine - James G. Mitroka
>From Objective-realism to Subjective-relativism: Can ASA Find a Golden Mean? - Kenell Touryan

10:00-4:00 PM Poster Session
10:30-11:00 AM Refreshment Break and Fellowship

11:00-12:15 PM
MARINE I (contd)
Our Changing Oceans: Natural Variability or Climate Change? - Henry Hengeveld
Oceans: Material, Electromagnetic, and Spiritual - Lawrence W. Fagg
Genetic Connections Between Tropical Oceanic and Stream Systems: Considerations for Conservation - Daniel Lindstrom

GENERAL I (contd)
Infusion of New Genetic Material into an Organism - Gordon C. Mills
Theistic Evolution From Intelligent Design: Process Concepts Which Divide - Philip E. Anderson
Help in Removing a Stumbling Stone - J. David Price

12:15-1:30 PM Lunch - Lane Student Center
ASA Fellows Luncheon Meeting
- President's Dining Room

Session II
1:45-3:30 PM
The Copernican Revolution Reconsidered - Owen Gingerich
Science and Religion, Chicago Style, 1922-1931: Popularizing Protestant Modernist Views of Science in the Age of Bryan - Edward B. Davis

Is the ASA Seeking Truth in Environmental Matters? A Sequel - John M. Osepchuk
What is Truth? Creating Scientific Consensus Without Compromising Truth - Ruth Douglas Miller
Extending Moore's Law and Enabling Good and Evil - Randy Isaac
Can There Be An Ethical Foreign Policy? - David M. Condron

WORKSHOP: Biology Teaching Session
Biology Goes Retro: A Living History of Biology Teaching - Panel
Creating a Rich Learning Environment: Reforming the Way We Teach - John Wood
An Interdisciplinary, Investigative Approach to Teaching Biology - Gerald D. Hess
Service-Learning Projects in the Sciences: Serving the Community While Teaching the Student - Les C. Eddington and Scott S. Kinnes

3:30-4:00 PM Refreshment Break and Fellowship

Session III
4:00-5:45 PM

The Rev. Cotton Mather F.R.S. (1663-1728): The Christian Philosopher, Relating Science and Faith in the Colonies - John W. Haas, Jr.
A Different Voice From the Eve of The Origin: Reconsidering John Henry Newman On Christianity and Science - Mark A. Kalthoff
Charles Darwin and Asa Gray Discuss Teleology and Design - Sara Joan Miles

Technology and the End of the Nation-State - Dennis L. Feucht
Technology for Morality - Jack C. Swearengen
Internet-based Science and Environment Curriculum Guide Development Project - William W. Cobern and Craig Rusbult
Problem-solving Methods in Science and Design - Craig Rusbult

WORKSHOP: Teaching Bioethics
Teaching of Bioethics - Hessell Bouma, III
Teaching Bioethics to Liberal Arts Students and to Biology Majors - Donald W. Munro

6:15-7:30 PM Clam Bake
7:45-9:00 PM Plenary Address: "Tangier Watermen's Stewardship for the Chesapeake: Faith-based Stewardship for Environmental Conflict Resolution" - Susan D. Emmerich
9:15-10:15 PM
Affiliation Meetings

Sunday - August 6, 2000
7:30-8:45 AM
Breakfast - Lane Student Center
9:15-10:00 AM
Bible Study - John Jefferson Davis
10:30-11:45 AM Worship Service - A. J. Gordon Chapel
12:15-1:30 PM
Lunch - Lane Student Center
Local Sections Luncheon Meetings

Session IV
1:45-3:00 PM
Pacific Salmon: Ocean Resource or Political Football? - Harry Cook
Teaching About the Oceans in K-12 Schools - Dennis W. Cheek
The Prologue to Biblical Salvation History: The Natural Revelation of the Pre-history of Earth Recorded in the Marine Sediment Record - John F. Bratton

Oceans of Wonder: Genesis 1 as Vision - J. Raymond Zimmer
Hermeneutical Lessons From the Heavens - Denis O. Lamoureux
A Taxonomy of Change Agents in the History of Life: Design, Development and Darwinism - Robert F. DeHaan

3:00-3:30 PM Refreshment Break and Fellowship

3:30-5:15 PM
MARINE II (contd)

Modern Mankind's Noisy Assault on the Sea - Paul T. Arveson
Glimpses of God in the World's Oceans - Peter Heltzel
Management of Large Ocean Programs - Richard Lambert, Jr.
The Sea of Chaos and Creation - George Murphy

GENERAL II (contd)
Challenging the Secular Mindset of Scientists - Tom Hoshiko
The Kansas Science Standards Debate: Public Misperceptions of Science and Faith - Keith B. Miller
>From Mainstream to Periphery: The Rise and Fall of the Gap Theory (Or Chaos-Restitution) from 1650 to 1900 - Michael Roberts
Science and Christian Faith Inside the Former Soviet Union Countries (A firsthand look) - Kenell Touryan

6:00-7:00 PM Dinner - Lane Student Center
7:30-8:30 PM Cosmos and Contact: The Religion of Carl Sagan - Robert Newman
8:45-10:00 PM Commission Meetings

Monday - August 7, 2000
7:30-8:15 AM
Breakfast - Lane Student Center
8:30-9:00 AM Music and Devotions
9:00-10:15 AM Mentoring/Discipling Session - Terry Morrison
Panel discussion: How Do We Help Younger Colleagues in Both Their Professional Development and Spiritual Growth?
10:15-10:45 AM Refreshment Break and Fellowship
10:45-12:15 AM ASA Business Meeting
12:15-1:00 PM Lunch - Lane Student Center
1:00 PM Check out -- Please return your key

The American Scientific Affiliation encourages thoughtful and provocative scientific presentations and discussions. Presenters and discussants are expected to maintain a humble and loving attitude toward individuals who have a different opinion.