8. Wise Education about Creation and Origins

    What should Christians teach about creation? 
    What should public schools teach about origins? 

by Craig Rusbult, Ph.D.



• What should Christians teach about creation?
• What should public schools teach about origins?

This is the only part of the FAQ that isn't yet written.  Eventually it will use the earlier FAQ-pages (1-7) as a foundation for understanding creation (who, why, what, when, and how) and what to teach about it.  Until this FAQ-section is ready for viewing, you can read the "teaching scenarios" in my Introductory-FAQ and the homepage for ORIGINS EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS and CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (in home, church, and private schools) and my own page (i.e. written as author, not editor) for Critical Thinking (about Creation, Evolution, and Design) in Public Schools.


This page is one part of
responses to Frequently
Asked Questions about
Creation, Evolution, 
and Intelligent Design,

written by Craig Rusbult,
with an ASA-disclaimer.
Home-Page for FAQ 
Introductory FAQ 

8-Page Full FAQ: 
1. Views of Creation 
2. Scripture and Nature 
3. Age–of–Earth Theology 
4. Age–of–Earth Science 
5. Christians & Evolution   
6. Four Types of Design 
7. Evaluating Evolution 
8. Origins Education 


Homepage for Origins 



other related pages:

The views in this page don't necessarily represent views of the American Scientific Affiliation.  It is written for ASA but is not the ASA-FAQ, as explained in the FAQ-homepage.

Other pages in the 8-page set are in the right sidebar above.

This page, written by Craig Rusbult, editor of this website for Whole-Person Education,
is an "editorial" that doesn't claim to speak for ASA, as explained above.

Copyright © 2006 by Craig Rusbult, all rights reserved

The top-of-page images are from NASA/NSSDC, U.S. National Park Service,
ASA's Teaching Science in a Climate of Controversy, The Nature Conservancy, and NOAA.

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an ITALICIZED LINK keeps you inside a page, moving you to another part of it, and
 a NON-ITALICIZED LINK opens another page.  Both keep everything inside this window, 
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