Donald MacCrimmon MacKay (1922-1987)


June 1994 draft[[[??]]]

INTRODUCTION Not all citations in this bibliography are complete given that the time-consuming task of verifying every reference has not been finished for all of DMM's work. Moreover, a large number of book reviews and popular writings have not yet been located and the secondary sources section is merely illustrative of the kinds of material available. Finally, the editorial work on the material as it stands has not been completed. Nevertheless, the main sections of the bibliography are reasonably complete and have been edited enough to be useful. Symbol Key: Those citations which have been verified by inspection of a copy of at least one version of the work are indicated by a pound sign (#). And an asterisk (*) is inserted at the place of missing information or before unverified portions of citations, while uncertainty about the correctness of available material is indicated with a question mark (?). Organizing Principles: When additional publication information is available the citations include subtitles and other descriptions of the publication. All known reprintings, presentations, and revisions of specific publications are also listed. Cross references are provided when more than one chapter is published in the same volume or when major portions of one work are incorporated directly into other publications. These features of the bibliography all increase the accessibility of the material listed here. The reference sequence is usually chronological regardless of the presence of co-authors while references published in the same year are listed alphabetically first by author and then by title. The bibliography is broken down into the following categories to facilitate its use in exploring subdomains of DMM's work: General (the 1st section contains the majority of his work, including most theoretical and philosophical pieces, information theory, book chapters in academic publications, major works on science and Christianity, and the like); Empirical reports (in neuroscience and psychology, with Nature being the single most frequent outlet for publication); a short list of his work in Electronics, engineering, etc.; a list of Abstracts, book reviews, encyclopedia articles, and similar publications; popular writings on science; popular writings on Christianity or Christianity-science relations; a list of unpublished work; a preliminary description of some activities with the Neurosciences Research Program; a list of Audio- or videotapes of presentations by DMM; an illustrative list of secondary sources; and finally an illustrative list of some major works influential in DMM's work (e.g., Hooykaas and Popper) is offered. The inevitable overlap among these categories is partially remedied by cross references between sections in introductory notes and by a very few duplications. The citation formats are adapted from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (3rd ed.), although the bibliography has not yet been edited into maximal conformity with this style. Addresses: Any corrections or other correspondence regarding this bibliography should be directed to Marvin McDonald, Augustana University College, Camrose, Alberta, Canada, T4V 2R3, or e-mail: ("hard" copies are available for $2.00 to cover duplication and postage in North America & an ASCII copy is available free of charge over e-mail[[[??]]])

#MacKay, D. M. (1949/1959). On the combination of digital and analogue computing techniques in the design of analytical engines. *unpublished but circulated privately, 1949. #published as an appendix to 1959, pp. 53-65.

#__________ (1950). Quantal aspects of scientific information. #Philosophical Magazine: A Journal of Theoretical, Experimental, and Applied Physics, (series 7) 41, 289-311. #selections reprinted in 1969a

#__________ (1951a). Calculating machines and human thought (conference report). Nature, 167, 432-434.

#__________ (1951b). Mindlike behavior in artifacts. #British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 2, 105-121. #Mindlike behavior in artifacts (reply to Mays), 1953, 3, 352-353. *reprinted in K. R. Sayre & F. J. Crosson (eds.), The modeling of mind (pp. 225-241). Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1963.

#__________ (1952a). In search of basic symbols. *In H. von Foerster (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th conference on cybernetics, 1951 (pp. 181-221). New York: Josiah Macey Jr. Foundation. #reprinted in 1969a (see 1952c)

#__________ (1952b). Mentality in machines (3rd paper in the symposium). Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplement, 26, 61-86. (combined with *1953a to form #1965c)

#__________ (1952c). The nomenclature of information theory. *In H. von Foerster (ed.), Proceedings of the 8th conference on cybernetics, 1951 (pp. 222-235). New York: Josiah Macey Jr. Foundation. #reprinted in 1969a (reprinting of a paper presented at the [First] London Symposium on Information Theory, 1950; see 1952a & 1955a)

#__________ & McCullough, W. S. (1952). The limiting informational capacity of a neuronal link. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 14, 127-135; 1953, 15, 107 (erratum).

__________ (1953a). From mechanism to mind. Transactions of the Victoria Institute, 85, 17-32. (*combined with #1952b to form #1965c)

#__________ (1953b). Generators of information. #In W. Jackson (ed.), Communication theory (Papers read at a Symposium on "Applications of Communication Theory", London, 1952; pp. 475-485, including discussion). London: Butterworths. #reprinted in 1969a (see 1953, Electronics section below; see also the conference report in #Nature, 1952, 170, 1051)

#__________ (1954a). On comparing the brain with machines. #The Advancement of Science, 1954, 11(40), 402-406. (part of a symposium on "Cybernetics" at the Sept. 1953 British Association meetings in Liverpool; see a report by #E. C. Cherry in Nature, 1953, 172, 648-49) #reprinted in the American Scientist, 1954, 42, 261-268. *reprinted in the Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institute, 1954, 231-240.

#__________ (1954b). Operational aspects of some fundamental concepts of human communication. #Synthese, 9, 182-198. *abridged version reprinted in Journal of Communication, 1961, 11, 183-189; also #reprinted in 1969a (paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Significs, Amersfoort, Netherlands, 1953)

__________ (1955a). Complementary measures of scientific information-content. Methodos, 7, 63-89. (revised version of a paper, "Quantal aspects of scientific information", presented at the [First] London Symposium on Information Theory, 1950; see the conference report by #W. Jackson in Nature, 1951, 167, 21-22; this is a "more general presentation of the ideas in" 1950 above; see also 1952c)

#__________ (1955b). Man as observer-predictor. #In H. Westmann (ed.), Man in his relationships (Proceedings of Present Question Conference, *, 1954; pp. 15-28). London: Routledge. #reprinted in 1988

#__________ (1956a). The epistemological problem for automata. In C. E. Shannon & J. McCarthy (eds.), Automata studies (pp. 235-251). Princeton: Princeton University Press.

#__________ (1956b). The place of 'meaning' in the theory of information. #In C. Cherry (ed.), Information theory: Third London Symposium, Sept. 1955 (pp. 215-225, including discussion, & further discussion in pp. 203-204, etc.). London: Butterworths. *reprinted in L. Dolezel (ed.), Teorie Informace A Jazykoveda (pp. *). *: Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences, 1964. #reprinted in 1969a

#__________ (1956c). Towards an information-flow model of cerebral organization. Advancement of Science, 12(42), 392-395. (part of a symposium on "Cerebral Activity" at the Sept. 1955 British Association meetings in Bristol; see a report by #M. Piercy in Nature, 1955, 176, 576-78)

#__________ (1956d). Towards an information-flow model of human behavior. #British Journal of Psychology, 47, 30-43. #reprinted in W. Buckley (ed.), Modern systems research for the behavioral scientist (pp. 359-368). Chicago: Aldine. (revised version of a paper presented at the 14th International Congress of Psychology, Montréal, June 1954; for an abstract, see the Congress proceedings in #Supralogical behaviour in automata. Acta Psychologica, 1955, 11, 204-205; this presentation was part of a Symposium on "Information Theory in Psychology")

#__________ (1957a). Brain and will. *The Listener, 9 & 16 May, 1957. *revised version reprinted in Faith and Thought, 1958, 90, 193-215. #revised version reprinted in G. N. A. Vesey (ed.), Body and mind (pp. 392-402). London: Allen & Unwin, 1964. portions also reprinted *in P. Edwards & A. Pap (eds.), A modern introduction to philosophy (pp. 38-42). New York: Free Press, 1965; and *in J. M. Foley, R. A. Lockhart & D. M. Messick (eds.), Contemporary readings in philosophy (pp. 421-425). New York: Harper & Row, 1970; and *in F. A. Westphal (ed.), The Art of Philosophy (pp. 162-167). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1972.

#__________ (1957b). Complementary descriptions (reply to Alexander). Mind: A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, 66, 390-394.

#__________ (1957c). Information theory and human information systems. #Impact of Science on Society, 8, 86-101. #revised version reprinted as "Information theory and the study of man." In J. Cohen (ed.), Readings in psychology (pp. 214-235). London: Allen & Unwin, 1964.

#__________ (1958). Complementarity (second essay in the symposium). Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplement, 32, 105-122. (paper presented at the joint session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, University of Southhampton, *, 1968)

#__________ (1959). Operational aspects of intellect. In The Mechanisation of Thought Processes (National Physical Laboratory Symposium no. 10, Teddington, England, 1958; vol. 1, pp. 37-65; 66-73, discussion; vol. 2, pp. 924-928, discussion). London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. (including MacKay, 1949, as an appendix; see the conference report by #D. W. Davies in Nature, 1959, 183, 225-26) ?portions adapted for 1961b?

__________ (1960a). Divine activity in a scientific world. Faith and Thought: The Journal of the Victoria Institute, 91, 75-96.

#__________ (1960b). Man as mechanism. #Faith and Thought: The Journal of the Victoria Institute, 91, 145-157. revised versions reprinted in #1965b & #1988.

#__________ (1960c). Modelling of large-scale nervous activity. In J. W. Beaument (ed.), Models and analogues in biology (Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology, vol. 14; pp. 192-198). New York: Academic Press.

#__________ (1960d). On the logical indeterminacy of a free choice. #Mind: A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, 1960, 69, 31-40. #expanded version reprinted from Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Philosophy, Venice, 1958 (vol. 3: Freedom and value; pp. 249-256). Florence: Sansoni, 1960. #Logical indeterminacy and freewill (reply to Williams). Analysis, 1961, 21, 82-83.

__________ (1961a). Behind the eye (Fleming Memorial Lecture?). *Journal of the Television Society, 9, 367-374. #expanded version in 1965c

__________ (1961b). Information and learning. In H. Billing (ed.), Learning Automata (pp. 40-49). Munich: Oldenbourg-Verlag. ?relation to 1959 is unclear!

#__________ (1961c). Interactive processes in visual perception. In W. A. Rosenblith (ed.), Sensory communication (Symposium on Principles of Sensory Communication, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1959; pp. 339-355). Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press.

#__________ (1961d). The informational analysis of questions and commands. #In C. Cherry (ed.), Information theory  (Fourth symposium on Information Theory, London, 1960; pp. 469-476). London: Butterworths. #reprinted in W. Buckley (ed.), Modern systems research for the behavioral scientist: A sourcebook (pp. 204-209). Chicago: Aldine, 1968. #reprinted in 1969a

__________ (1961e). The limits of prediction. Cambridge Opinion, 27, 10-13.

__________ (1961f). The science of communication - A bridge between the disciplines (inaugural lecture). University of Keele, Staffordshire. (unpublished)

#__________ (1962a). Self-organization in the time domain. In M. C. Yovits, G. T. Jacobi & G. D. Goldstein (eds.), Self organizing systems, 1962 (Proceedings of the Conference on Self-Organizing Systems, Chicago, 1962; pp. 37-48). Washington, D.C.: Spartan.

#__________ (1962b). The use of behavioural language to refer to mechanical processes. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 13, 89-103. #Consciousness & mechanism: A reply to Miss Fozzy, 1963, 14, 157-159. *reprinted in F. J. Crosson (ed.), Human and artificial intelligence (pp. *). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971. (paper presented to the Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, Oxford, Sept. 1961; see the conference report by #B. C. Brookes in Nature, 1961, 192, 508-9)

#__________ (1962c). Theoretical models of space perception. In C. A. Muses (ed.), Aspects of the theory of artificial intelligence (Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Biosimulation, Locarno, Italy, 1960; pp. 83-103). New York: Plenum Press.

#__________ (1962d). What is cybernetics? Discovery, 23(10), 13-17. (introduction to a special issue on "cybernetics and systems") *reprinted in Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution (General Appendix), 1963, 401-408.

#__________ & Fischer, M. E. (1962). Analogue computing at ultra-high speed: An experimental and theoretical study. London: Chapman & Hall. (expansion & combination of the doctoral disserations of both authors)

#__________ (1963a). [Indeterminacy, uncertainty, and information content.] *Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift, 16(12), 617-20. *English translation in NTZ-Communications Journal, 1964, 3, 99-101. #reprinted in 1969a (paper presented at the Stuttgart Congress on Information Theory, Germany, 1963)

#__________ (1963b). Machines and societies. In G. Wolstenholme (ed.), Man and his future (A Ciba Foundation Volume; pp. 153-167). London: Churchill.

#__________ (1963c). Psychophysics of perceived intensity: A theoretical basis for Fechner's and Steven's laws. Science, 139, 1213-1216. (cf. the conference report for the Annual Conference of the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, Oxford, Sept. 1961; see #B. C. Brookes in Nature, 1961, 192, 508-9)

__________ (1964a). Anomalous visual responses to simple, massive stimuli. In R. W. Gerard & J. W. Duyff (eds.), Information Processing in the nervous system (pp. 181-186). *: Excerpta Medica Foundation.

#__________ (1964b). Communication and meaning--a functional approach. #In F. S. C. Northrup & H. Livingston (eds.), Cross-cultural understanding: Epistemology in anthropology (pp. 162-179). New York: Harper and Row. #abridged version reprinted in 1969a (see also 1964d & also 1964 under Abstracts)

#__________ (1964c). Cybernetics. In J. K. Brierley (ed.), Science and its context (pp. 305-318). London: Heinemann. (see 1964e)

#__________ (1964d). Freewill and causal prediction (discussion). In F. S. C. Northrup & H. Livingston (eds.), Cross-cultural understanding: Epistemology in anthropology (pp. 356-364). New York: Harper and Row. (see 1964b & also 1964 under Abstracts)

#__________ (1964e). Science and religion -- by a theist. In J. K. Brierley (ed.), Science and its context (pp. 107-120). London: Heinemann. (see 1964c)

__________ (1964f). The informational approach. La Ricerca scientifica, 31, 123-128. (?Special issue on the "Cybernetics of Neural Processes"; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome)

__________ & Ainsworth, W. A. (1964). Electrolytic growth processes with applications to self-adjusting automata. In K. Steinbuch & S. W. Wagner (eds.), Neuere Ergenbnisse der Kybernetik (Proceedings of the Karlsruhe Symposium, *, 1963; pp. 326-335). Munich: Oldenbourg-Verlag.

#__________ (1965a). A mind's eye view of the brain. #In N. Wiener & J. P. Schadé (eds.), Cybernetics of the Nervous System (Progress in Brain Research vol. 17; pp. 321-332). Amsterdam: Elsevier. #reprinted in K. H. Pribram (ed.), Brain & behavior, vol. 4: Adaptation (pp. 478-493). Harmondsworth, U.K.: Penguin, 1969.

#__________, (ed.) (1965b). Christianity in a mechanistic universe (and other essays). London: Inter-Varsity Fellowship. (includes a revision of #1960b as one chapter)

#__________ (1965c). From mechanism to mind. In J. R. Smythies (ed.), Brain and mind: Modern concepts of the nature of mind (pp. 163-200; 129-131, etc. discussions). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. revised combination of #1952b & *1953a

#__________ (1965d). Information and prediction in human sciences. In S. Dockx & P. Bernays (eds.), Information and prediction in science (1962 symposium of the International Academy for the Philosophy of Science, Brussels; pp. 255-269). New York: Academic Press.

#__________ (1965e). The eye and the brain. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 40, 324-340. *expanded version of 1961a

#__________ (1965f). Visual noise as a tool of research. Journal of General Psychology, 72, 181-197.

#__________ (1966a). Cerebral organization and the conscious control of action. In J. C. Eccles (ed.), Brain and conscious experience (Proceedings of a Study Week of the Pontifica Academia Scientiarum, Vatican City, 1964; pp. 422-445; 566-574, discussion). New York: Springer-Verlag. (volume originally published as *Pontificial Academiae Scientiarum Scripta Varia, 1965, vol. 30.)

#__________ (1966b). Information in brains and machines. In W. A. Kalenich (ed.), Information processing 65 (Proceedings of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Congress 65, New York, 1965; vol. 2, pp. 637-643). Washington, D.C.: Spartan and London: Macmillan. *German translation in Die Umschau, 1967, Heft 8, 250-254.

#Kochen, M., MacKay, D. M., Maron, M. E., Schriven, M. & Uhr, L. (1967). Computers and comprehension. In M. Kochen (ed.), The growth of knowledge: Readings on organization and retrieval of information (pp. 230-243). New York: Wiley. *originally published as RAND Memorandum, RM-4065-PR, 1964. (summary of results of the symposium on computer comprehension of language, Working Session in Mathematical Biology, *, 1963; for DMM's discussion paper to the symposium, see #1969b)

#Eccles, J. C. & MacKay, D. M. (1967). The challenge of the brain (joint interview). Science Journal, 3(4), 79-83.

#MacKay, D. M. (1967a). #Freedom of action in a mechanistic universe (21st Eddington Memorial Lecture). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. #reprinted in M. S. Gazzaniga & E. P. Lovejoy (ed.), Good reading in psychology (pp. 121-138). New York: Prentice-Hall, 1967. *German translation: Freiheit des Handelns in einem mechanistishen Universum. In U. Pothast (ed.), Seminar: Feies Handeln und Determinisumus (pp. 303-321). Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1978. (for a reply to commentators, see 1971a)

#__________ (1967b). The human brain. Science Journal, 3(5), 42-47. (introduction to a special issue: The Human Brain) *reprinted in * (ed.) The human brain, *: Paladin Books, 1972.

#__________ (1967c). The mechanization of normative behavior. In L. Thayer (ed.), Communication: Theory and research (Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Communication, Theory and Research, Kansas City, 1965; pp. 228-245). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

#__________ (1967d). Ways of looking at perception. #In W. Wathen-Dunn (ed.), Models for the perception of speech and visual form (Proceedings of a symposium held in Boston, 1964; pp. 25-43). Boston: M.I.T. Press. *reprinted in P. C. Dodwell, (ed.), Perceptual processing (pp. 487-503). New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970.

#__________ (1968a). [Information technology and the manipulability of man.] *Zeitschrift für Evangelishe Ethik, 12(3), 147-156. English translation in #Study Encounter, 1969, 5(1), 17-25. (paper read the meeting of Societas Ethics, Münster, Germany, August 1967; see also Thayer & MacKay, 1973)

#__________ (1968b). Neural communications: Experiment and theory. #Science, 159, 335-353. *reprinted in W. R. Uttal (ed.), Sensory coding (pp. 450-456). *: Little, Brown, 1972. (summary of a conference organized by DMM; cf. also 1980c)

#__________ (1968c). Possible information processing functions of inhibitory mechanisms. In C. von Euler, S. Skoglund & U. Söderberg (eds.), Structure and function of inhibitory neuronal mechanisms (Proceedings of the Fourth International Meeting of Neurobiologists, Stockholm, 1966; pp. 529-535). Oxford: Pergamon.

#__________ (1968d). The 'active/passive' controversy. Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, 21, 40-42.

#__________ (1968e). The importance of landmarks in visual perception. In E. R. Caianiello (ed.), Neural networks (Proceedings of the School on Neural Networks, Ravello, Italy, 1967; pp. 59-64). New York: Springer-Verlag.

#__________ (1968f). The sovereignty of God in the natural world. #The Scottish Journal of Theology, 21, 13-26. #reprinted in 1988 (paper presented at the International Conference of the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship & the American Scientific Affiliation, Oxford, 1965)

#__________ (1968g). What makes a contradiction? *Faith and Thought: The Journal of the Victoria Institute, 97, 7-14. #reprinted in Science & Faith: Newsletter of the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship, 1987, No. 5 (Aug.), 31-37; and #reprinted in 1988

#__________ (1969a). Information, Mechanism and Meaning (vol. I, selected papers). Cambridge: M.I.T. Press. (*paperback edition, M.I.T. Press, 1970)

#__________ (1969b). Linguistic & non-linguistic "understanding" of linguistic tokens. #in 1969a *originally published as RAND Memorandum RM3892-PR, February, 1964. (discussion paper presented at the symposium on "Computer comprehension of language", Working Session in Mathematical Biology, *, 1963; results of symposium published as Kochen et al., 1967)

#__________ (1969c). Recognition and action. In S. Watanabe (ed.), Methodologies of pattern recognition (Proceedings of the International Conference held at Honolulu, 1968; pp. 409-415). New York: Academic Press.

#__________, Evans, E. F., Hammond, P., Jeffreys, D. A., & Regan, D. (1969). Evoked brain potentials as indicators of sensory information processing. *Neurosciences Research Program Bulletin, 1969, 7(3), 181-276. #reprinted in F. O. Schmitt, T. Melnechuk, G. C. Quarton & G. Adelman (eds.), Neurosciences Research Symposium Summaries: An anthology from the NRP Bulletin (vol. 4; pp. 397-489). Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 1970. (report based upon an NRP Work Session, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1968)

#__________ (1970a). Artificial automata (discussion). In D. M. Ramsey-Klee (ed.), Aids to biological communication: Prosthesis and synthesis (Proceedings of the 2nd Interdisciplinary Conference on Information and Control Processes in Living Systems, Pacific Palisades, California, 1966; pp. 177-188; & comments throughout the book, including 123-26, 145-47, 156-58, 209-11, 288-93, 304-08, 330-32). New York: Gordon and Breach.

#__________ (1970b). Digits and analogues. In H. E. von Gierke, W. D. Keidel & H. L. Oestreicher (eds.), Principles and practice of bionics (Proceedings of the Bionics Conference sponsored by the Advisory Group for Aerospace Research & Development (AGARD of NATO), Brussels, 1968; AGARD proceedings No. 44; pp. 457-466). London: Technivision.

#__________ (1970c). Perception and brain function. In F. O. Schmitt (ed.-in-chief), The Neurosciences: The Second Study Program (pp. 303-316). New York: Rockefeller University Press.

__________ (1970d). Signale vom Gehirn. Bild der Wissenschaft, 7, 52-68.

#__________ (1970e). The bankruptcy of determinism. #The New Scientist, 47, 24-26; #MacKay replies (letter to the editor). 47, 204.

__________ (1970f?). Visual perception and brain activity. In * (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th All-Union Congress of Neurocybernetics (Rostov-on-Don, 1970?; pp. *). *: *.

#__________ (1971a). Choice in a mechanistic universe: A reply to some critics. #British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 22, 275-285. #The logical indeterminateness of human choices (reply to commentators). 1973, 24, 405-408.

__________ (1971b). Freedom in a mechanistic universe. In P. C. Moore (ed.), Educating for freedom in a technical society (pp. *). New York: C.R.I.S.

__________ (1971c?). Introduction to "Aspects of neurophysiology of vision". In * (ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Theoretical Physics and Biology (Versailles, ?1971; pp. 322-327). *: *.

#__________ (1971d). Scientific beliefs about oneself. In G. N. A. Vesey (ed.), The proper study (Vol. 4, Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures; pp. 48-63). London: Macmillan.

#__________ (1971e). The human touch. In O. J. Brüsser & R. Klinke (eds.), Pattern recognition in biological and technical systems (Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kybernetik, Berlin, 1970; pp. 20-30). New York: Springer-Verlag.

__________ (1972a). Brains and persons. Interchange, *, No. 12, 201-212.

#__________ (1972b). Formal analysis of communicative processes. In R. A. Hinde (ed.), Non-verbal communication (Report of the Royal Society Study Group on Non-verbal Communication; pp. 3-25, 396). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

#__________ (1972c). Language, meaning and God. #Philosophy: The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, 47, 1-18. #reprinted in 1988

#__________ (1972d). Science in Christian perspective. New Humanist, 88, 227-228. (text of a B.B.C. talk, n.d.)

#__________ (1972e). Voluntary eye movements as questions. In J. Dickgans & E. Bizzi (eds.), Cerebral control of eye movements and perception of motion in space (Bibliotheca Ophthalmologica, No. 82; Symposium held in conjunction with the 25th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Munich, 1971; pp. 369-376). Basel: Karger.

__________ (1972f). Visual stability. Investigative Ophthalmology, 11(6), 518-524.

__________ (1973a). The psychology of seeing. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Societies of the United Kingdom, 93, 391-394.

#__________ (1973b). Visual stability and voluntary eye movements. In R. Jung (ed.), The handbook of sensory physiology, Vol. VII/3: Central processing of visual information, Part A: Integrative functions and comparative data (pp. 302-331). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

#__________ & Jeffreys, D. A. (1973). Visual evoked potentials in man and visual perception. In R. Jung (ed.), The handbook of sensory physiology, Vol. VII/3: Central processing of visual information, Part B: Visual centres in the brain (pp. 647-678). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

#Thayer, L. & MacKay, D. M. (1973). A conversation with Donald M. MacKay. In L. Thayer (ed.), Communication: Ethical and moral issues (*; pp. 249-254). London: Gordon & Breach. (summary of a seminar offered by DMM at *; the seminar summarized material from 1968a)

#MacKay, D. M. (1974a). Chairman's remarks on 'computer models in psychology'. In S. G. Brown, (ed.), Philosophy of psychology (pp. 269-273; & 129-31, 237-41, 333-36 discussion). London: Macmillan.

#__________ (1974b). Complementarity in scientific and theological thinking. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 9, 255-244. (paper presented at a conference on "Science and religion: The complementarity hypothesis," Birmingham, England, 1969; originally the proceedings were to have been published with J. Hick as editor)

__________ (1974c). Scientific and religious values today. In * (ed.), Scientific, technological, and social development - Goals and values (pp. 160-170). Beograd: Yugoslav Association on Science & Society.

#__________ (1974d). The clockwork image: A Christian perspective on science. London: Inter-Varsity Press & Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

#__________ (1974e). The mechanics of tacit knowing. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 4(1), 94-95.

#__________ & Mittelstädt, H. (1974). Visual stability and motor control (reafference revisited). In W. D. Keidel, W. Händler, & M. Spreng (eds.), Cybernetics and bionics (Proceedings of the 5th Congress of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kybernetik, Nuremberg, 1973; pp. 71-80). Munich: Oldenbourg-Verlag.

__________ (1975a). Brain and will: My fault or my glands? Journal of Durham University Anthropology? Society, 3, *.

__________ (1975b). Modelling human communication. Matematik och datorer i sprak-, tal-och musikforskning. TR nr 1, KTH, Stockholm.

__________ (1975c). The embodied mind: A neurological perspective. The Fremantel Lectures, Balliol College, Oxford; unpublished.

Hammond, P. & MacKay, D. M. (1976). Functional differences between cat visual cortical cells revealed by use of textured stimuli. In O. Creutzfeldt (ed.), Afferent and intrinsic organization of laminated structures in the brain (pp. 397-402; also p. 354, DMM's chairman's introduction). Berlin: Springer-Verlag.

#MacKay, D. M. (1976). The Clockwork Image controversy (reply to Cramer.) Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 28, 125-127.

__________ (1977). Religion and the new mechanics. Janus: Revue Internationale de l'Histoire des Sciences, de la Médecine, de la Pharmacie et de la Technique, *, 119-129. (special issue?: "Hooykaas and the History of Science"; Utrecht State University Press.)

#__________ (1978a). Biblical perspectives on human engineering. #In C. W. Ellison (ed.), Modifying man: Implications and ethics (pp. 67-90). Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. #revision reprinted as Biblical perspectives on human engineering (IRS study pamplet No. 219). Potchefstroom, Republic of South Africa: Institute for Reformational Studies, 1986. #selections reprinted in O. Barclay (ed.), Christian Faith and Science (pp. 50-58). Leicester, UK: Christians in Science, 1985 & 1988. #reprinted in 1988. (paper presented at the International Conference on Human Engineering, Wheaton, Illinois, 1975 & at the 1976 annual meeting of the RSCF; see 1975b for an audiotape of the first presentation in the Audiotapes section below; see also 1978c)

#__________ (1978b). Brain research and human responsibility. #In C. F. H. Henry (ed.), Horizons of science: Christian scholars speak out (pp. 175-192). New York: Harper & Row. #reprinted in M. A. Jeeves (ed.), Behavioural sciences: A Christian perspective (pp. 41-58). Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1984. #revised versions reprinted in S. L. Jones (ed.), Psychology and the Christian faith: An introductory reader (pp. 34-50). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1986, and #in 1988.

#__________ (1978c). Human engineering & the Christian church: Summary and reflections. In C. W. Ellison (ed.), Modifying man: Implications and ethics (pp. 273-281). Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. (see 1978a)

#__________ (1978d). Responsible mechanism or responsible agent? A reply to William Hasker. Christian Scholar's Review, 8, 141-148.

#__________ (1978e). Science, chance, and providence (The 1977 Riddell Memorial Lectures). Oxford: Oxford University Press. #portions reprinted in 1988

#__________ (1978f). Selves and brains (commentary). #Neuroscience, 3, 599-606. #The mind-body problem (letter to the editor; reply to Bunge), 1979, 4, 454.

__________ (1978g). That eye-dazzler. Psyklops, 1(2), 7-8.

#__________ (1978h). The dynamics of perception. In P. A. Buser & A. Rougeul-Buser (eds.), Cerebral correlates of conscious experience (Proceedings of the Institut national de la Santé et de la Recherche médical Symposium No. 6, Senanque Abbey, France, 1977 [Satellite Symposium of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Paris, 1977]; pp. 53-68). Amsterdam: North-Holland. (see 1978i)

#__________ (1978i). What determines my choice? #In P. A. Buser & A. Rougeul-Buser (eds.), Cerebral correlates of conscious experience (Proceedings of the Institut national de la Santé et de la Recherche médical Symposium No. 6 on Cerebral Correlates of Conscious Experience, Senanque Abbey, France, 1977 [Satellite Symposium of the International Union of Physiological Sciences, Paris, 1977]; pp. 335-346). Amsterdam: North-Holland. (see 1978h; *also presented at the Annual Meeting of the Research Scientist's Christian Fellowship, *, 1977, and published in revised form in #O. Barclay (ed.), Christian Faith and Science (pp. 18-27). Leicester, UK: CiS, 1988; volume originally published in 1985 as Science and Christian Belief)

__________ (1979a). [Brain and conscious experience.] Seitainokagaku, 30, 200-211. (in Japanese)

#__________ (1979b). Human science and human dignity (London Lecture Series in Contemporary Christianity, 1977). London: Hodder & Stoughton and Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

#__________ (1980a). Brains, machines, and persons (Inaugural Henry Drummond Lecture, Stirling, *, 1975). London: Collins and Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.

#__________ (1980b). Conscious agency with unsplit and split brains. In B. D. Josephson & V. S. Ramachandran (eds.), Consciousness and the physical world (Proceedings of an interdisciplinary Conference on Consciousness, Cambridge, England, 1978; pp. 95-113). Oxford: Pergamon Press.

#__________ (1980c). Neural communication and control: Facts and theories. Nature, 287, 389-390. (cf. 1968b; see also 1981a for DMM's presentation at the conference described here)

#__________ (1980d). Sensory processing in the brain and evoked potentials. In H. H. Kornhuber & L. Deecke (eds.), Motivation, motor and sensory processes of the brain: Electrical potentials, behavior and clinical use (Progress in Brain Research, vol. 54; pp. 245-260). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

#__________ (1980e). The interdependence of mind and brain (letter to the editors; reply to Sperry). Neuroscience, 5, 1389-1391.

#__________ (1980f). 'Value-free knowledge' -- myth or norm? *Faith and Thought: The Journal of the Victoria Institute, 107, 202-209. #reprinted in 1988.

__________ (1980?). The organization of intelligent action. Rockefeller Lecture, ?Chicago, n.d. unpublished manuscript (see also 1984b)

#__________ (1981a). Neural basis of cognitive experience. In G. Székely, E. Lábos, & S. Damjanovich, (eds.), Neural communication and control (Advances in Physiological Sciences, vol. 30: Satellite symposium of the 28th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Debrecen, Hungary, 1980; pp. 315-332; see also pp. ix-x, 333-334). Oxford: Pergamon Press & Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. (see also 1980c for a summary of this conference)

#__________ (1981b). Strife over visual cortical function. Nature, 289, 117-118.

__________ (1981c). What kind of neural image? Freiburger Universitätsblätter, 74, 67-72.

#__________ (1982a). Our selves and our brains: duality without dualism. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 7, 285-294.

#__________ (1982b). Science and the quest for meaning (Pascal Lectures on Christianity and the University, Waterloo, Ontario, 1979). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans. (reprint available from Books on Demand, University Mircroforms International)

#__________ (1983a). Seeing the wood and the trees. In W. Maxwell (ed.), Thinking: The expanding frontier (Selections from the Conference on Thinking, Suva, Fiji, 1982; pp. 5-12). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Franklin Institute Press. (see Bishop 1987 under Misc. 2ary sources for a response)

#__________ (1983b). Short-term reorganization of the cortical network? Some questions from visual psychophysics. Acta Morphologica Hungaricae, 31, 285-300. (special triple issue containing selected papers from an international symposium on Neurons and Neuron Assemblies, Pécs, Hungary, 1982)

#__________ (1983c). The wider scope of information theory (comment on M. Tribus). In F. Machlup & U. Mansfield (eds.), The study of information: Interdisciplinary messages (pp. 485-492). New York: Wiley.

#__________ (1984a). Evaluation: The missing link between cognition and action. In W. Prinz & A. Sanders (eds.), Cognition and motor processes (Papers from a conference held at the University of Bielefeld, *, 1982; pp. 175-184). New York: Springer-Verlag.

#__________ (1984b). Mind talk and brain talk. In M. S. Gazzaniga (ed.), Handbook of cognitive neuroscience (pp. 293-317). New York: Plenum Press. (a Rockefeller Lecture)

#__________ (1984c). Objectivity in Christian perspective. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 36, 235-237.

__________ (1984d). The beginnings of personal life. In the Service of Medicine: Journal of the Christian Medical Society, 30(2), 9-13.

#__________ (1985a). Artificial intelligence? -- a Christian appraisal. #In R. Brabanec (ed.), A fifth conference on mathematics from a Christian perspective, 1985 (Proceedings of the 1985 meeting of the Association for Christians in the Mathematical Sciences; pp. 3-30). Wheaton, IL: Wheaton College. abridged version #reprinted in 1988 (this essay contains material from several earlier publications)

#__________ (1985b). Machines, brains and persons. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 20, 401-412. (paper presented at the annual conference of the Science & Religion Forum, Canterbury, England, 1984, entitled "From Artificial Intelligence to Human Consciousness.")

#__________ (1985c). The costs of mechanistic embodiment. In R. M. Chisholm, J. C. Marek, J. T. Blackmore, A. Hübner (eds.), Philosophy of mind/Philosophy of psychology (Proceedings of the 9th Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, *, 1984; Vol. 11, Schriftenreihe der Wittgenstein-Gesellschaft; pp. 105-111). Vienna: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.

#__________ (1985d). The health of the Evangelical body: What can we learn from recent history? Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 38, 258-265.

__________ (1985e). The significance of 'feature sensitivity'. In D. Rose & V. G. Dobson (eds.), Models of the visual cortex (pp. 47-53). New York: Wiley.

#__________ (1986a). Christian priorities in science. #Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 38, 67-74. #reprinted in Science & Faith: Newsletter of the RSCF, No. 8 (Aug. 1987), 10-23; 24-26, discussion introduction. #revision reprinted in 1988, and #selections reprinted as "Science has not corrupted religious values." In J. Rohr (ed.) Science & religion: Opposing viewpoints (pp. 214-18). San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1988. (paper presented at the international conference of the RSCF & ASA on "Christian Faith and Science in Society", Oxford, England, 1985)

#__________ (1986b). Summing up of ASA/RSCF conference: Oxford University, July 1985. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 38, 195-203. #also published in Science and Faith: Newsletter of the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship, 1987, No. 5, *. (presentation at the international conference if tge RSCF abd tge ASA on "Christian Faith and Science in Society", Oxford, England, 1985)

#__________ (1986c). Vision: the capture of optical covariation. In J. D. Pettigrew, W. Levick, & K. Sanderson (eds.), Visual Neuroscience (Papers presented in honor of Peter Bishop, Lord Howe Island, Australia?, 1983; pp. 365-373). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

#__________ (1987a). Divided brain -- divided minds? In C. Blakemore & S. Greenfield (eds.), Mindwaves: Thoughts on intelligence, identity and consciousness (pp. 4-16). Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

#__________ (1987b). Objectivity as a Christian value. In P. Helm (ed.), Objective knowledge: A Christian perspective (pp. 15-27). Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press. (see 1987c)

#__________ (1987c). Objectivity in science. In P. Helm (ed.), Objective knowledge: A Christian perspective (pp. 43-57). Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press. (see 1987b)

#__________ (1988). The open mind and other essays: A scientist in God's world (ed. by M. Tinker). Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press.

__________ (1988?). What kind of uncertainty [?] in human actions? ??Amalfi paper

#__________ (1989). In what sense can a computer 'understand'? Science & Christian Belief, 1, 27-39.

#__________ (1991). Behind the eye (The Gifford Lectures, Glasgow, 1986; ed. by Valerie MacKay). Oxford: Basil Blackwell. (lectures given under the title "Under our own microscope: What brain science has to say about human nature")

Empirical reports in neurophysiology & psychology

NOTE: For further information on DMM's empirical work, see: DMM 1954a, 1956c, 1960c, 1961c, 1962c, 1963c, 1964a, 1965a, 1965e, 1965f, 1966a, 1968b, 1968c, 1970e, 1970f?, 1971c?, Hammond & MacKay, 1976; 1980c, 1981b, 1981c, 1982a, 1983b, 1984b, 1985e, 1986c, & 1991 in the general section; the Electronics section below; and additional abstracts in the Abstracts section: 1959d, 1960?, MacKay et al., 1962-63-66, Rietveld & MacKay, 1969, 1972, MacKay & MacKay, 1974, MacKay & Yates, 1974, Groos et al., 1976; 1980, MacKay & MacKay, 1982; 1984?, MacKay & MacKay, 1985, MacKay et al., 1987?.

#MacKay, D. M. (1953). Some experiments on the perception of patterns modulated at the alpha-frequency. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 5, 559-562. (report of work carried out during a 1951 Rockefeller fellowship in the U.S. at W. S. McCulloch's lab)

#__________ (1957a). Moving visual images produced by regular stationary patterns. Nature, 180, 849-850.

#__________ (1957b). Some further visual phenomena associated with regular patterned stimulation. Nature, 180, 1145-1146.

#__________ (1958a). Moving visual images produced by regular stationary patterns (II: reply to Campbell & Robson). Nature, 181, 362-363.

#__________ (1958b). Perceptual stability of a stroboscopically lit visual field containing self-luminous objects. Nature, 181, 507-508.

#__________ (1960). Monocular 'rivalry' between stabilized and unstabilized retinal images. Nature, 185, 834.

#__________ (1961). The visual effects of non-redundant stimulation. Nature, 192, 739-740.

#Andrews, D. P., MacKay, D. M., & Wilson, J. P. (1963). Apparent relative movement of 'unsharp' and 'sharp' visual patterns (reply to F. J. Verheijen). Nature, 199, 161.

#Anstis, S. M., Gregory, R. L., & De M. Rudolf, N, & MacKay, D. M. (1963). Influence of stroboscopic illumination on the after-effect of seen movement. Nature, 199, 99-100.

#MacKay, D. M. (1964a). Central adaptation in mechanisms of form vision. Nature, 203, 993-94.

#__________ (1964b). Dynamic distortions of perceived form. Nature, 203, 1097.

#Fiorentini, A. & MacKay, D. M. (1965). Temporal factors in pattern vision. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 17, 282-291. (paper presented at meetings of the Experiemental Psychology Society, Oxford, July 1964)

#Jeffreys, D. A. & MacKay, D. M. (1965). Aperiodic stimulus presentation with a closed-loop magnetic-tape averaging system. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 19, 404-406. (paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Medical Electronics, London, 1960?)

#MacKay, D. M. & Fiorentini, A. (1966). Evoked potentials correlated with a visual anomaly. Nature, 209, 787-789.

#__________ (1968). Evoked potentials reflecting interocular and monocular suppression. #Nature, 217, 81-83. (#abstract in Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1968, 25, 507.)

#__________ & Rietveld, W. J. (1968). Electroencephalogram potentials evoked by accelerated visual motion. #Nature, 217, 677-678. (cf. #Rietveld & MacKay, 1969, in Abstracts)

#__________ (1970a). Elevation of visual threshold by displacement of retinal image. Nature, 225, 90-92.

#__________ (1970b). Interocular transfer of suppressive effects of retinal image displacement. Nature, 225, 872-873.

#__________ (1970c). Fragmentation of binocular fusion in stroboscopic illumination. Nature, 227, 518.

#__________ (1970d). Mislocation of test flashes during saccadic image displacement. Nature, 227, 731-733.

#__________ (1973). Lateral interaction between neural channels sensitive to texture density? Nature, 245, 159-161.

#__________ & MacKay, V. (1973). Orientation-sensitive after-effects of dichoptically presented colour and form. Nature, 242, 477-479.

#__________ (1974). Is texture-density contrast an inhibition or adaptation? (reply to Georgeson) Nature, 249, 86-87.

#__________ & MacKay, V. (1974). Do curvature-contingent chromatic aftereffects require detectors for curvature? (letter to the editors) Vision Research, 14, 1285-1287.

#Hammond, P. & MacKay, D. M. (1975). Differential responses of cat visual cortical cells to textured stimuli. Experimental Brain Research, 22, 427-430. (see Hammond & MacKay, 1977)

MacKay, D. M. & MacKay, V. (1975a). Dichoptic induction of McCollough-type effects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 27, 225-233.

#__________ & MacKay, V. (1975b). What causes decay of pattern-contingent chromatic aftereffects? (letter to the editors) Vision Research, 15, 462-464.

Hammond, P. & MacKay, D. M. (1976). Interrelations between cat visual cortical cells revealed by use of textured stimuli. Experimental Brain Research Supplement, 1, 397-402. (paper presented at the 7th International Neurobiology Meeting, Göttingen, July 1975; see Hammond & MacKay, 1977)

#MacKay, D. M. (1976). Perceptual conflict between visual motion and change of location (letter to the editors). Vision Research, 16, 557-558.

#__________ & MacKay, V. (1976a). Antagonism between visual channels for pattern and movement? Nature, 263, 312-314.

#__________ & MacKay, V. (1976b). Retention of the McCollough Effect in darkness: Storage or enhanced read-out? Vision Research, 17, 313-315.

#Hammond, P. & MacKay, D. M. (1977). Differential responsiveness of simple and complex cells in cat striate cortex to visual texture. Experimental Brain Research, 30, 275-296. (cf. Hammond & MacKay, 1975; #Hammond & MacKay, Response of cat visual cortical cells to kinetic contours and static noise (abstract). Journal of Physiology, 1975, 252, 43P-44P, proceedings of the Physiological society, *, July 1975; Hammond & MacKay, 1976)

#MacKay, D. M. (1977). Adaptation of evoked potentials by patterns of texture-contrast. Experimental Brain Research, 29, 149-153. (cf. Hammond & MacKay, 1975; Hammond & MacKay [abstr.] 1975; Groos et al. [abstr.] 1976)

MacKay, V. & MacKay, D. M. (1977). Multiple orientation-contingent chromatic aftereffects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 29, 203-218.

#MacKay, D. M. (1978). The time-course of induction of complementary images. Vision Research, 18, 913-916.

#Hanly, M. & MacKay, D. M. (1979). Polarity-sensitive perceptual adaptation to temporal sawtooth modulation of luminance. Experimental Brain Research, 35, 37-46.

#MacKay, D. M. (1979). Clues to the site of origin of the complementary image. Nature, 279, 553.

#__________, & Gerrits, H. J. M., & Stassen, H. P. W. (1979). Interaction of stabilized retinal patterns with spatial visual noise. Vision Research, 19, 713-716.

#__________ (1980). Illusory reversal of extrafoveally perceived displacement. Nature, 284, 257. (abstract in # MacKay, Direct comparison of foveal and extrafoveal motion perception. Journal of Physiology, 1980, 298, 10P, proceedings of the Physiological Society, *, Sept. 1979; cf. 1982)

#Hammond, P. & MacKay, D. M. (1981). Modulatory influences of moving textured backgrounds on responsiveness of simple cells in feline striate cortex. #Journal of Physiology, 319, 431-442. (abstract in #Hammond, & MacKay, Modulation of simple cell activity in the cat by moving textured backgrounds. Journal of physiology, 1978, 284, 117P, proceedings of the Physiological Society, *, July 1978)

MacKay, D. M. (1981). Texture-contrast analogues of the Spillman-Redies effect. Perception, 10, 417-420.

#__________ (1982). Anomalous perception of extrafoveal motion. Perception, 11, 359-360. (cf. 1980)

#__________ & MacKay, V. (1982). Explicit dialogue between left and right half systems of split brains. #Nature, 295, 690-691. (see MacKay & MacKay, Goal-conflict in split brains (abstract). California Institute of Technology Division of Biology Annual Report, 1980, pp. 143-144.)

#Hammond, P. & MacKay, D. M. (1983a). Effects of luminance gradient reversal on complex cells in a cat striate cortex. Experimental Brain Research, 49, 453-456.

#Hammond, P. & MacKay, D. M. (1983b). Influence of luminance gradient reversal on simple cells in feline striate cortex. #Journal of Physiology, 337, 69-87. (abstract in #P. Hammond & D. M. MacKay, Suppressive effects of luminance gradient reversal on simple cells in cat striate cortext. Journal of Physiology, 1981, 315, 30P, proceedings of the Physiological Society, *, Jan. 1981; other preliminary results in *P. Hammond (1982, Sept.). Simple and complex cells in cat striate cortex: Effects of lumiance gradient reversal. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eurpoean Brain & Behavior Society, Parma, Italy)

#Lund, N. J. & MacKay, D. M. (1983). Sleep and the McCollough Effect (research note). Vision Research, 23, 903-906.

MacKay, D. M. (1983). On-line source-density computation with a minimum of electrodes. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 56, 696-698.

#__________ (1984a). Do 'evaluation potentials' reflect cognitive assessment? (research note) Experimental Brain Research, 55, 184-186. (cf. 1984? in Abstracts)

#__________ (1984b). Source density analysis of scalp potentials during evaluated action. I. Coronal distribution. Experimental Brain Research, 54, 73-85.

#__________ (1984c). Source density analysis of scalp potentials during evaluated action. II. Lateral distributions. Experimental Brain Research, 54, 86-94.

#__________ (1984d). Source density mapping of human visual receptive fields using scalp electrodes (research note). Experimental Brain Research, 54, 579-581.

#Hammond, P. & MacKay, D. M. (1985). Influence of luminance gradient reversal on complex cells in feline striate cortex. Journal of Physiology, 359, 315-329. (cf. preliminary reports in #Hammond & MacKay, 1983a, & in *P. Hammond, Simple and complex cells in cat striate cortex: Effects of luminance gradient reversal. Behavioral Brain Research, 1983, 8, 254-256.)

#MacKay, D. M. & Ludwig, T. E. (1986). Source density analysis of scalp potentials during linguistic and non-linguistic processing of visual stimuli. Experimental Brain Research, 64, 451-463. (*abstract in MacKay & Ludwig, Source density analysis of E.R.P.s accompanying verbal and spatial judgements. EPS [Experimental Psychology Society?] Proceedings, *, 1985, p. *).

#__________, MacKay, V., & Rulon, M. J. (1986). Scalp tomography of ERP source-densities during visually guided target practice. Experimental Brain Research, 64, 434-450. (abstracts in #D. M. MacKay, V. MacKay & M. J. Rulon, Local CNVs for different phases of a cognitive task in man. Journal of Physiology, 1985, 367, 24P, proceedings of the Physiology Society, *, June 1985; & in #D. M. MacKay & M. J. Rulon, Visuomotor integration reflected in the source-density pattern of human scalp potentials. Journal of Physiology, 1985, 360, 31P; proceedings of the Physiology Society, *, Nov. 1984)

Electronics, engineering, etc.

NOTE: See also 1949/1959, 1969a and MacKay & Fischer, 1962, in the general section; ?MacKay, 1961; MacKay, Glover, & Jeffreys, 1962-63-66, under Abstracts below; and his dissertation listed under unpublished material below. This list does not include the Admiralty reports between 1943 and 1946, inclusive, which described work on radar.

MacKay, D. M. (1946). A multiple-pulse generator for synchronized transmitter systems. Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 93, 3A, 1199-1206.

#__________ (1947). A high-speed electronic function-generator. Nature, 159, 406-07. (for precedence claim about this device, see #D. J. Mynall (1947). Electronic function generator. Nature, 159, 743)

__________ (1948). Some new aspects of high-speed oscillography. Proceedings of the Physics Society?, 61, 235-245.

#Deeley, E. M. & MacKay, D. M. (1949). Multiplication and division by electronic-analogue methods. Nature, 163, 650.

MacKay, D. M. (1949). Projective three-dimensional displays. Electronic Engineering, 21, 249-254; 281-286.

__________ (1951). The application of electronic principles to the solution of differential equations in physics. unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of London. (incorporated into MacKay & Fisher, 1962)

#__________ (1953). The effects of relation time on the relative efficiency of binary PCM [pulse code modulation], PIM [pulse interval modulation] and PPM [pulse position modulation]. In W. Jackson (ed.), Communication theory (Papers read at a Symposium on "Applications of Communication Theory", London, 1952; pp. 96-101). London: Butterworths. (see 1953b in the general section; see also the conference report in #Nature, 1952, 170, 1051)

__________ (1955). High speed electronic analogue computing techniques. Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 102, 609-623.

__________ & Bergman, G. D. (1955). A high-speed waveform-sampling circuit. Electronic Engineering, 27, 326-329.

#__________ (1958). The structural information capacity of optical instruments. *Information and Control, 1, 148-152. #reprinted in 1969a (see 1950, 1969a, general refs, on the structural information notion)

#__________ (1959). A 'solid-image' microscope. Nature, 183, 246-47. (see #Gregory & Donaldson, Nature, 1959, 183, 247)

__________ (1960). A simple multi-dimensional C.R.T. display unit. Electronic Engineering, 32, 344-347.

#Agrawal, H. O., Kent, J. W., & MacKay, D. M. (1965). Rotation technique in electron microscopy of viruses. Science, 148, 638-640.

#Jeffreys, D. A. & MacKay, D. M. (1965). Aperiodic stimulus presentation with a closed-loop magnetic tape averaging system. #Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 19, 404-406. (?reprinted from Jeffreys & MacKay, Continuous averaging system using magnetic tape. In * (ed.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Medical Electronics [London, 1960?, International Federation for Medical Electronics; pp. 99-102]. *: *)

#MacKay, D. M., Millar, J. B., & Underwood, M. J. (1968). Discriminative value of the digram structure of speech waveforms.  Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, 21, 116-122.

#__________ & Yates, S. R. (1975). Textured kinetic stimuli for use in visual neurophysiology: An inexpensive and versatile electronic display (abstract). Journal of Physiology, 252, 10P-11P. (Proceedings of the Physiological Society, *, July 1975)

Abstracts, book reviews, encyclopedia entries, discussions, etc.

NOTE: Some abstracts are listed only in conjunction with the published full reports under Empirical reports above, and discussions or replies given in conjunction with a major paper or chapter are also listed along with the major work in the general section.

#MacKay, D. M. (1956). Entropic aspects of information theory [review of Science and information theory]. Nature, 178, 1442.

#__________ (1957a). (discussion). In S. Körner (ed.), Observation and Interpretation (pp. 50f, 79, 82, 116f, 144, 176, 181). London: Butterworths. (see also 1959c below)

#__________ (1957b). Variations on a cybernetic theme [review of An introduction to cybernetics]. Nature, 179, 224-25.

#__________ (1959a). (discussion). Acta Psychologica, 15, 123-24. (Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, 1957; part of a Symposium: "Information Theory and its Applications in Psychology"; see also 1959d below)

#__________ (1959b). Information theory: Its uses and abuses (abstract). Bulletin of the British Psychological Society, 38, 70-71. (paper read to the Midland Branch of the BPS, December 1958)

#__________ (1959c). [Review of Observation and interpretation]. Philosophy: The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy, 34, 249-51. (see also 1957a above)

#__________ (1959d). The stabilization of perception during voluntary activity (abstract). Acta Psychologica, 15, 284-85. (Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, 1957; paper presented as part of a Symposium on "Space Perception"; see 1959a above)

__________ (1960?). Anomalous responses as clues to visual organization (abstract?). In * (ed.), Proceedings of a Conference on Cerebral Systems and Computer Logic (Pasadena, CA, 1960?; p. 17?). *: *.

__________ (1961). Simulation of intelligence (abstract). Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 7, *.

#__________ (1962). Information, underspecification and entropy [review of Science and information theory (2nd ed.)]. Nature, 195, 530.

__________, Glover, R. R., & Jeffreys, D. A. (1962-63-66). New methods of analysis of electrophysiological responses. Reports on research done under U.S.A.F. Contract No. AF 61(052)-364, 1962, Grant No. AF EOAR 62-23, 1963, and Grant No. AF EOAR 65-18, 1966.

#__________ (1964). The relevance of neurophysiology for anthropology (discussion). In. F. S. C. Northrup & H.H. Livingston (eds.), Cross-cultural understanding: Epistemology in Anthropology (pp. 345-355). New York: Harper & Row.

#__________ (1965a). Norbert Wiener - "Catalytic Irritant". Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 140, 9-10. (part of a memorial symposium)

#__________ (1965b). [Review of Language and information--Selected essays on their theory and application]. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 16, 253-255.

#__________ (1966). Biophysics and cybernetic systems [Review of Proceedings of the Second Cybernetic Sciences Symposium, 1964]. Nature, 211, 126.

#__________ (1967a). (discussion). In L. Thayer (ed.), Communication: Concepts and perspectives (Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Communication Theory and Research; pp. 22, 48f, 131f, 178, 236, 255, 275, 355, 369-71, 393f). Washington, D.C.: Spartan and London: Macmillan.

#__________ (1967b). Visual world and retinal image [Review of The nature of perceptual adaptation]. Nature, 215, 900.

#Rietveld, W. J. & MacKay, D. M. (1969). Evoked responses to acceleration and tachistoscopic presentation of patterned visual stimuli (abstract). Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 26, 537P.

MacKay, D. M. (1972). Spatial contrast evoked potentials (discussion). Trace, 6(1), 101.

#MacKay, D. M. (1973). Round table discussion: Neurobiological models of learning. In G. F. Ansell & P. B. Bradley (eds.), Macromolecules and behavior (Proceedings of an international symposium, Birmingham, *, 1971; pp. 269-272, 280-281). London: Macmillan.

#__________ & MacKay, V. (1974). The time course of the McCollough effect and its physiological implications (abstract). Journal of Physiology, 237, 38P-39P. (Proceedings of the Physiological Society, *, Nov. 1973)

#__________ (1974). What is happening to our idea of man? (abstract). British Psychological Society Bulletin, 27, 147. (Proceedings of the B.P.S. Conference, London, * 1973)

#MacKay, D. M. & Yates, S. R. (1975). Textured kinetic stimuli for use in visual neurophysiology: An inexpensive and versatile electronic display (abstract). Journal of Physiology, 252, 10P-11P. (Proceedings of the Physiological Society, *, July 1975)

#Groos, G. A., Hammond, P. & MacKay, D. M. (1976). Polar responsiveness of complex cells in cat striate cortex to motion of bars and of textured patterns (abstract). Journal of Physiology, 260, 47P-48P. (proceedings of the Physiological Society, *, May 1976)

MacKay, D. M. (1978). Communication and control theory in psychology. In V. Cappelletti (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia Italiana (pp. *). *: *.

__________ (1979). [Review of Language and the Christian: A guide to communication and understanding]. Churchman, 93(2), 179-180.

__________ (1980). (discussion). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society? of London, Part B, 290, 167-168.

#__________ (1982). A philosopher among the physicists [Review of Postscript to the logic of scientific discovery, vols. 2 & 3]. Nature, 300, 663-64.

__________ & MacKay, V. (1982, July). A 'Troxler effect' in the motion domain (abstract). EPS (Experimental Psychology Society?) programme, *. (unpublished; cf. 1982 in Empirical reports)

#__________ (1983a). Choice of computers [Review of Are computers alive? Evolution and new life forms]. Nature, 306, 510.

#__________ (1983b). In love with science [Review of Realism and the aim of science: vol 1, Postscript to the logic of scientific discovery]. Nature, 302, 357-58.

#__________ (1983c). The world through open eyes [Review of The way the world is: The Christian perspective of a scientist]. Nature, 303, 353.

#__________ (1984a). Persistence of miracles (letter to the editor). Nature, 311, 502.

#__________ (1984b). Cybernetics and human affairs [Review of Human systems are different]. Nature, 308, 384.

#__________ (1984c). [Review of Science and moral priority]. Neuropsychologia, 22, 385-386.

#__________ (1984d). Talk of science and philosophy [Review of The philosophy of Popper]. Nature, 307, 90.

__________ (1984?). Artefact-free ERP studies of evaluative cognitive agency using source-density analysis (abstract). Proceedings of the EPS (Experimental Psychology Society?) and NPF meeting (Amsterdam, 1984, Symposium 13, p. 38). *: *. (cf. 1983, 1984a-d in Empirical reports)

#__________ (1985a). An uneasy relationship [Review of Cross-currents: Interaction between science and faith]. Nature, 316, 221.

#__________ (1985b). Commentary: Do we "control" our brains? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 8, 546.

__________ (1985c). [Review of God of chance]. Religious Studies, 21(4), 622-624.

__________ & MacKay V. (1985). Local CNVs for different phases of a cognitive task in man (abstract). Journal of Physiology, 367, 24P. (Proceedings of the Physiological Society, *, June 1985).

#__________ (1986a). Conscious efforts [Review of The evolution of the soul]. Nature, 323, 679-80.

#__________ (1986b). Commentary: Intrinsic versus contrived intentionality. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 9, 149-50.

__________, MacKay, V., & Rulon, M. J. (1986?). Effects of attention on the source-distribution of cognitive event-related potentials (abstract). Joint? Conference Proceedings (Soc. Italiana Di Neuropsicologia, Milan, 1986, p. 126). Milan?: Edizioni Unicopli. (see also MacKay, MacKay, & Rulon, 1986, in Empirical reports above & 1991)

#__________ (1987a-b). Bioethics. Brain research. In R. K. Harrison (ed.), Encyclopedia of Biblical and Christian Ethics (pp. 38-39 & 41-43, respectively). Nashville: Nelson.

#__________ (1987c-f). Brain manipulation, The ethics of; Determinism and free will; Information theory; Soul, Brain science and the. In R. L. Gregory (ed.), The Oxford companion to the mind (pp. 113-14, 190-92, 369-71, & 723-25, respectively). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

#__________ (1987g-h). Information theory and brain function. Psychophysics and neurophysiology. In G. Adelman (ed.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (2 vols.; pp. 531-32 & 1008-10, respectively). Basel & Boston: Birkhäuser.

#__________ (1987i). [Review of In search of the person -- Philosophical explorations in cognitive science]. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 22, 261-63.

#__________ (1987j). [Review of The blind watchmaker: Why the evidence of evolution reveals a universe without design]. *Faith and Thought: The Journal of the Victoria Institute, 113(2), 173-175. #reprinted in 1988

__________ (1987?). Determinism. In C. M. Evans (ed.), Dictionary of Christian Theology (pp. *). *: InterVarsity Press.

Popular Writings on Science

NOTE: This section is also quite incomplete. See also, from the general section, 1961e?, 1962d, Eccles & MacKay, 1967; 1967b?, 1970e, 1972a?, 1987a?, 1991?. DMM was also very active in representing science in the media but the vast majority of his presentations are currently untraced.

#MacKay, D.M. (1950). Measuring information. *B.B.C. Third Programme, *. #reprinted in 1969a

__________ (1958). Counter-Revolution in physics. The Listener, April 10th, pp *.

#__________ (1960). What makes a question? *The Listener, May 5th, 789-790. (*talk broadcast on the B.B.C. Third Programme, ?1960) #reprinted in 1969a

__________ (1964). Memory. In * (ed.), A few Ideas, B.B.C., pp. 40-47.

__________ (1968a). Human personality and the computer. The Times (London), 11 Nov., p. 10.

#__________ (1968b). Meaning and mechanism. *Common Factor, No. 5, 57-65. #reprinted in 1969a (talk broadcast in 1960 on the *B.B.C. Third Programme)

#Buckley, W. F., Jr. (host), Skinner, B. F., MacKay, D. M. (guests), & Steivel, W. (producer & director). (1971, 17 Oct.). The case against freedom. Columbia, S.C.: Southern Educational Communciations Association. (transcript of a "Firing Line" program; available from Producers, Inc.; see Audiotapes section below)

?__________ (n.d., maybe 1987). How to cope with "Thin Ends of Wedges". Monthly Record, *, *.

Popular Writings on Christianity

NOTE: This section is underrepresented in available bibliographies, especially in relation to material in the newsheet Notes and Abstracts on Science and Religion and in the InterVarsity publications, The Christian Graduate, Christian Arena, and Science and Faith. Compare also, from the general section: 1953a, 1954a, 1960b, 1964e, 1965b, 1968h, 1974c?, 1974d, 1979b, 1980a, 1980e?, 1982b, 1984c, 1985d, 1986a, 1987d, 1988, 1991?; some of the encyclopedia articles in Abstracts (e.g., 1987); and the audiotapes & unpublished papers sections below. Cross-references not otherwise designated are to the general section.

#MacKay, D. M. (1950). Persons and things. *In * Science and faith today, London: Lutterworths. #reprinted in 1988

__________ (1953, Dec.). An analogy and its limitations. The Christian Graduate, 6, 163-164?.

#__________ (1953). Looking for connections. In * Where Science and Faith Meet, Inter-Varsity Fellowship. #reprinted in 1988 (a series of broadcasts for the B.B.C. Overseas Service; cf. The Listener, 11th Sept., 1952.)

Baillie, J., Boyd, R., MacKay, D. M., & Spanner, D. (1953). Science and faith to-day. London: Lutterworth Press. (reprint of 1950 above?; see the review by Brightman, 1953)

__________ (1954). Divine activity in physical events. The Christian Graduate, 7, 183-189.

#__________ (1960a). Science and Christian faith today. London: Falcon Booklet. (see 1973 below)

#__________ (1960b). God - or chance? *?The Christian Graduate, *, *. #reprinted in Science & Faith: Newsletter of the RSCF, No. 7. (Aug. 1987), 27-30.

#__________ (1961b). Science and the Bible. In * (ed.), Essential Christianity (pp. *). *: *. #reprinted in 1988

#__________ (1972). Science in Christian perspective. New Humanist, 88, 227-228.

__________ (1973). Science and Christian faith today (2nd ed.). London: Falcon Press. (pamplet; see 1960a above)

__________ (1982). The two faiths tied together (interview by B. Durbin). Christianity Today, 26(Aug. 6), 18-19.

__________ (1985?). <*title>. In the Service of Medicine: Journal of the Christian Medical Society, 31, 23ff.

#__________ (n.d.). The open mind - An evangelical approach to the Bible. *The Christian Graduate, *, *. #reprinted in 1988

Unpublished manuscripts, presentations, etc.

NOTE: References by date are to citations in the general section unless otherwise specified. See also the following abstracts which have not yet been linked with published papers: 1955, 1959b, 1959d, 1960?, 1961, MacKay, Glover, & Jeffreys, 1962-63-66; Rietveld & MacKay, 1969; 1974, MacKay & MacKay, 1974; MacKay & Yates, 1975; Groos, Hammond & MacKay, 1976; MacKay & Hammond, 1978; MacKay & MacKay, 1982; 1984?; MacKay & MacKay, 1985; MacKay, MacKay & Rulon, 1986?. See also the 1964 item under the NRP material below. See also selections listed below under Audiotapes. "n.d." = no date is currently known for this manuscript. CiS: a few of the following papers are available from Christians in Science whose address is listed under Audiotapes below.

MacKay, D. M. (1948). British Patent Application 29315/48. Outlined in 1953b, p. 521.

__________ (1952, Oct.) An artefact's approximation to voluntary behaviour. paper read before the Philosophy of Science Group, Oct. 13, 1952. [from note in 1953, reply for 1951b]

__________ (1950). Entropy, time and information. In * Proceedings of the London Symposium on Information Theory (1950; pp. *). unpublished but circulated privately. Lithoprinted by American Institute of Radio Engineers, 1953. (cf. 1952c, 1955a, and the #conference report by W. Jackson in Nature, 1951, 167, 21-22)

__________ & Ainsworth, W. A. British Patent Application 12877/61. (cf. description in 1962d)

__________ (1961). The science of communication - A bridge between the disciplines (inaugural lecture). University of Keele, Staffordshire.

__________ (1963). Internal representation of the external world. Paper presented at Avionics Panel AGARD Symposium on Natural and Artificial Logic-Processors, Athens, July 15-19.

__________ (1964). Perceptual intimations of neuronal mathematics. Presentation at a NRP Work Session on "Mathematical concepts of central neurvous system function", Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1964. unpublished, but see NRP summaries below

__________ (1971). Notes on the "Reafference Principle". unpublished manuscript (cf. MacKay & Mittelstädt, 1974)

__________ (n.d., maybe 1971). Pattern parameters affecting visual motion-evoked potentials. unpublished manuscript

__________ (March, 1973). Evidence of lateral interaction between visual texture-sensitive channels. *Paper presented at the meetings of the Physiological Society, *, March 1973. (#see Journal of Physiology, 1974, 232, 22P)

__________ & MacKay, V. (n.d., maybe 1973). Chromatic aftereffects linked with texture density. unpublished manuscript

__________ (n.d., maybe 1974). Psychophysical evidence of long-term changes in connectivity of the primary visual pathway. unpublished manuscript (cf. 1983b)

__________ (1975). The embodied mind: A neurological perspective. The Fremantel Lectures, Balliol College, Oxford. unpublished manuscript

__________ (n.d., maybe 1979). Evaluation as an indicatory of intention. (cf. 1984a)

__________ (n.d., maybe 1980). Systemic versus textural correlates of sensory quality. unpublished manuscript

__________ (n.d., maybe 1981). The organization of intelligent action. Mind-talk and brain-talk. Rockefeller Lectures, ?Chicago. (cf. 1984b)

__________ (n.d., maybe 1982). On the origins of 'Towards and information-flow model of human behaviour (1956)'. (see 1956d) unpublished manuscript

#__________ (1982, September). Concepts needing clarification? #Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Research Scientist's Christian Fellowship, 25 Sept., 1982. (avail. from CiS) #selections reprinted in O. Barclay (ed.), Christian Faith and Science (pp. 28-30). Leicester, UK: Christians in Science, 1988 (originally published in 1985; also available from CiS).

__________ (n.d., maybe 1986). The logic of "beginnings". unpublished manuscript

__________ (n.d., maybe 1986). The scientific steward and the new human embryo. unpublished manuscript

DMM's participation in the Neurosciences Research Program

NOTE: See 1970c and MacKay et al., 1969 (general section) for other work of DMM in the NRP. A broad survey of NRP publications has not yet been conducted. DMM was not an Associate of the NRP in 1964, but had become one by 1969. See also J. W. Haas, Jr., 1992, p. 57, in biographical section below.

#MacKay, D. M. (1964). Perceptual intimations of neuronal mathematics. *Presentation at an NRP Work Session on *, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1964. *Summarized by L. Stark & J.F. Dickson, Mathematical concepts of central nervous system function. NRP Bulletin, 1965, 3(2), 1-44. #summary reprinted in F. O. Schmitt & T. Melnechuk (eds.), Neurosciences Research Program Summaries: An anthology from the NRP Bulletin (vol. 1; pp. 131-133, 172). Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 1966.

#Regarding DMM's service as a session chairman at the festschrift for F. O. Schmitt (NRP founder) in 1973, see p. xii (in the preface) of the published symposium: F. G. Worden, J. P. Swazey & G. Adelman (eds.), The neurosciences: Paths of discovery. Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 1975.


It is helpful in general, though complex to execute in detail, to identify patterns of publishing in the same and/or related journals. One complication for this kind of analysis is the change in periodical names. Two areas are of particular interest in this regard in connection to DMM's publications: popular science journals and publication outlets for the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship (RSCF).

Popular science periodicals in post-war Britian: One reflection of the social distruption subsequent to war is the instability of academic publishing enterprises. Of course other factors, like size of relevant professional populations, may also be influential. Descriptively, the issue revolves around the stability of publications like Scientific American in contrast to parallel pictures in the UK. (Note that a similar contrast is not found in the cases of Nature and Science, for example.) The following 'genealogy' is meant only to trace connections between DMM's publications.

Discovery published its first volume in 1920 and ceased publication in 1966. At that time it was absorbed by Science Journal which had begun publication in 1965. SJ in turn merged with New Scientist (19xx) which had its roots in the Atomic Scientists' Journal (1951-56). New Scientist has continued publication through the early 1990s at least. These connections relate to the following general publications of DMM: 1962d, 1967b, Eccles & MacKay 1967, 1970e. (The information gained here was available in the University of Alberta library.)

Popular publications on Christianity and science: As described by Oliver Barclay (1988; see Misc. secondary references section below), the RSCF did not establish a consistent outlet for its work during the first decades of its existence. A newssheet entitled "Notes and Abstracts on Science and Religion" was put out from 1945 to 1948. The RSCF also put together periodic conference reports and collections of essays by members. The Christian Graduate (1947-1983) was a publication of Inter-Varsity Fellowship which published material for all of its professional sections, including RSCF. In 1983 the name of this periodical was changed to the Christian Arena. The RSCF started its own newsletter which ran from about 1983(?) to 1988. Then the RSCF joined forces with the Victoria Institute who had published over 100 volumes of their journal, Faith and Thought (est. founding: 1870). Their joint venture, Science and Christian Belief, issued its first volume in 1989. DMM's many publications in all of these outlets have yet to be gathered together, although a small selection was republished in The Open Mind (1988).

Audio- and Videotapes from presentations on radio, in lectures, etc.

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, the following tapes are audiotapes. One cannot assume that these media are all available in all of the various standard formats for tape recording, given the differences in standards across the Atlantic, for example. The prices listed below are 1992 prices. **For information on ordering tapes from CiS, the general address is Christians in Science, 38 De Montfort Street, Leicester, LE1 7GP, England. The secretary in 1992 was Mr. Bennet McInnes, 66 Silverknowes Parkway, Edinburgh, EH4 5LA Scotland. The 1992 prices of audiotapes is [[sterling]]2 per tape, not including foreign postage. **For information on ASA, contact the American Scientific Affiliation, P.O. Box 668, Ipswich, MA, U.S.A., 01938. (tapes are listed in their annotated resource book, available in 1992 from this address for $12 U.S. including postage in North America) To order tapes, contact ASA Tape Service, c/o The Sanders Christian Foundation, P.O. Box 2094, South Hamilton, MA, U.S.A., 01982-0094 (1992 price for tapes is $5 U.S. per tape plus postage which varies depending upon the number of tapes and the country to which the order is mailed). **For information about or ordering tapes from Regent College, the address is Regent College Audio-Visual Dept., 5800 University Blvd., Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 2E4. (1992 prices are $6.95 Canadian per tape plus 5% shipping charges, GST not included; a tape catalogue is available) **Audiotapes may also be ordered from Princeton Theological Seminary for $3.50 per cassette with postage and handling included for prepaid orders. The address for ordering is: Directory of Duplication Services, Speech Studios, Princeton Theological Seminary, CN 821, Princeton, N.J., 08542, U.S.A. A catalogue is available. Producers, Inc.: The audiotape and transcript of the "Firing Line" program were available in the spring of 1993 for $10 U.S. each from Firing Line, c/o Producers, Inc., 2700 Cypress Street, Columbia, S.C., U.S.A., 29205. By 1993 the archival videotapes of this program had deteriorated beyond recovery of the video track. DMM made many other BBC presentations on radio, television appearances, etc. most of which are not listed here; some of the transcripts have been published in The Listener. "n.d." = no date is available for this tape.

#MacKay, D. M. (n.d.) Does Science Leave Room for God? Available from Regent, ref. no. 711.

__________ (n.d.) God and the Scientist. *, *, B.B.C. (videotape). Available ?

#__________ (n.d.) Man in a Mechanistic Universe. Available from Regent, ref. no. 528.

#__________ (n.d.) Science in a Created World. Presentation at Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Ontario. Available from CiS.

#Buckley, W. F., Jr. (Host), Skinner, B. F., MacKay, D. M. (Guests), & Steivel, W. (Producer & Director). (1971, 17 Oct.). The case against freedom. [transcript and audiotape? of a "Firing Line" program]. Columbia, S.C.: Southern Educational Communciations Association. Available from Producers.

#MacKay, D. M. (1975a). The Clockwork Image: Man in a Mechanistic Universe (2 tapes); Minds, Brains, and Artificial Intelligence. Presentations to the C.S. Lewis Society of Princeton, 4 April 1975). Available from Princeton.

#__________ (1975b). Biblical Perspectives on Human Engineering. Presentation at the International Conference on Human Engineering, Wheaton, Illinois, 1975. (see 1978a, general section) Available from ASA, audiotape # ASADM-1

#__________ (1976a). Basic vs. Piecemeal Integration; Economy vs. Nothing-Buttery; The Deterministic Bogey. Presentations at the annual conference of the American Scientific Affiliation, *. Available from CiS (3 audiotapes).

#__________ (198X?). Man in Bible and Science. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Regent College course & lecture series. (14 audiotapes under the following titles: God's view of Man, Science as Christian Stewardship, Confusions in the Evolutionary Debate, Machines in the Image of Man, Man in the Scientific Mirror, How to Quantify your Experience, Conscious Behavior, Human Engineering, Duality without Dualism, Free Will and Determinism, How Psychology Can Help, Man in Dialogue with God, Death and Eternal Life, How Not to Defend Human Dignity) Available from Regent singly or as a series; ref. no. 1319S.

#__________ (1985) Puppets, Automata or Free Beings? Presentation at Queen Mary Collge, *, *. Available from CiS.

#__________ (1986, Sept.). Brain Science and Christian Realism. Presentation at Gordon College, Massachusetts. Available from ASA, audiotape # ASADM-2

Secondary Literature on Donald M. MacKay

NOTE: For exchanges between DMM and others during discussions cited as part of his publications, see the following references in the general section: 1953b, 1959, 1964d, 1965c, 1966a, 1970a; Thayer & MacKay, 1974; 1974a, 1981a; and the following references in the Abstracts section: 1957, 1964, 1967, 1972, 1973, and 1980b. The reference(s) in braces { } list(s) the publication(s) of DMM's which is/are addressed by the author of the work cited. For replies by DMM to the discussion cited here (if any), see the italic references in the braces. All references to DMM's work are to the general section unless otherwise specified. (For those citations not followed by braces, sources and responses have not yet been identified.) The pound symbol, #, takes on the added signficance here of the document having been checked for some discussion of DMM (see note under Miscellaneous below) as well as verifying the bibliographic information in the citation. Citation index searches and other systematic studies have yet to be conducted.

Biographical &/or bibliographical information (alphabetical order)

ANNOUNCEMENTS, published: promotion to reader in physics, #Nature, 1960, 185, 215; appointment to the Granada research chair, #Nature, 1960, 186, 599; obituary, *The Times (London), Feb. 10th, 1987, p. *; The First Donald MacKay Lecture (D. Burke, lecturer) was held during the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Keele, 2 Sept., 1993 (see #Science & Christian Belief, 1993, 5, 50).

#anonymous. (1987). Donald M. MacKay - an RSCF persepctive. Science & Faith: Newsletter of the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship, No. 8 (Aug.), 6-9. (maybe written by O. R. Barclay)

#Barclay, O. R. (1988). Foreward: Donald MacCrimmon MacKay, 1922-1987. In D. M. MacKay, The open mind and other essays (ed. by M. Tinker; pp. 7-10). Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press.

#Chase, G. B. (1985). Selected bibliography of Donald MacCrimmon MacKay. In R. Brabenec (ed.), A fifth conference on mathematics from a Christian perspective, 1985 (Proceedings of the 1985 meeting of the Association for Christians in the Mathematical Sciences; pp. 31-33). Wheaton, IL: Wheaton College.

#Goodall, J. (1987). Professor Donald M. MacKay, August 9th 1922 - February 6th 1987. *In the Service of Medicine: Journal of the Christian Medial Society, 1987, *, *. #Reprinted in Science & Faith: Newsletter of the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship, No. 8 (Aug. 1987), 4-6.

#Haas, J. W., Jr. (1992). Donald MacCrimmon MacKay (1922-1987): A view from the other side of the Atlantic. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 44(1), 55-60. (includes an extensive bibliography)

#Jeeves, M. A. (1988). Professor Donald MacKay and the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship. Science & Faith: Newsletter of the Rsearch Scientists' Christian Fellowship, No. 9 (May), 5-9.

#Longuet-Higgins, H. C. (1987). Donald MacKay (1922-1987). Nature, 326, 446.

#see also Behind the Eye (1991), pp. viii-ix.

Book Reviews of DMM's work (chronological order)

#Brightman, R. (1953). Science and faith [review of Modern science and modern man and of Science and faith to-day]. Nature, 172, 557-58.

#Longuet-Higgins, C. (1970). Communication and information [Review of Information, Mechanism and Meaning]. Nature, 226, 287-88.

#Blakemore, C. (1975). Everything caudal to the eyes [Review of Handbook of Sensory Physiology (Vol. VII/3: Central Processing of Visual Information, Parts A & B)]. Nature, 254, 230.

Coleburt, R. (1979). [Review of Science, chance, and providence]. Downside Review, 97, 151-152.

Ibster, N. & Lyon, D. (1979). ?*title [Review of Human science and human dignity]. Faith & Thought: Journal of the Victoria Institute, 106, 178-183.

Peacocke, A. R. (1979). [Review of Science, chance, and providence and of Human science and human dignity]. Theology, 82, 371-374.

Peat, S. W. (1979). [Review of Science, chance, and providence]. Expository Times, 90, 187.

#Jones, D. G. (1980). [Review of Human science and human dignity]. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 32, 111.

Minnema, T. (1980). [Review of Human science and human dignity]. Calvin Theological Journal, 15, 115-118.

Van Wylen, G. J. (1980). [Review of Human science and human dignity]. Reformed Review, 33, 175-176.

Ray, A. C. (1980). [Review of Science, chance, and providence]. Christian Scholar's Review, 10(1), 83-84.

#Bube, R. H. (1981). [Review of Brains, machines and persons]. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 33, 117-18.

Harding, G. C. (1981). [Review of Brains, Machines and Persons]. Theology, 84, 313-314.

#Orlebeke, J. (1981). [Review of Brains, machines and persons]. Christian Scholar's Review, 10, 274-75.

#Sutherland, S. (1981). Science and faith in mind [Review of Brains, Machines and Persons]. Nature, 290, 167.

Wilson, G. (1981). [Review of Brains, Machines and Persons]. Christianity Today, 25(May 8), 58-59.

Cameron, C. M. (1982). [Review of Brains, Machines and Persons]. Reformed Review, 35, 101.

Ludwig, T. E. (1982). [Review of Brains, Machines and Persons]. Theology Today, 38, 497-500.

#Saunders, D. A. (1982). [Review of Brains, machines and persons]. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 34, 117-18.

Schultz, G. J. (1982a). [Review of Brains, Machines and Persons]. Covenant Quarterly, 40, 37-38.

Schultz, G. J. (1982b). [Review of Brains, Machines and Persons]. Dialog, 21, 308-310.

?*author (1983). [Review of Science and the quest for meaning]. The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 35(3), *.

Schultz, G. J. (1983). [Review of Brains, Machines and Persons]. Dialog, 22, 314.

Truemper, D. G. (1983). [Review of Science and the quest for meaning]. Word & World, 3, 207-208.

Van Zytveld, J. (1983). [Review of Science and the quest for meaning]. Reformed Journal, 33(3), 28+.

Yeager, W. T. (1984). [Review of Science and the quest for meaning]. Reformed Review, 37, 109.

#Bube, R. H. (1989). [Review of The open mind and other essays]. #Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 41, 243-44. #reprinted in Science and Christian Belief, 1990, 1, 91-93.

Hawthorne, J. N. (1989). [Review of The open mind]. Churchman, 103(3), 281-282.

Norman, W. D. (1991). [Review of The open mind]. Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 10, 78.

Poole, M. W. (1991). [Review of The open mind]. Spectrum, 23, 80-81.

#Hunter, W. F. (1992). [Review of Behind the eye]. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 20, 65-66.

#Jones, D. G. (1992). Behind the Eye: Logic and coherence in the writings of Donald MacKay [Review of Behind the eye]. Science and Christian Belief, 4, 63-68.

#Thorson, W. (1992). An I Behind the Eye: Donald MacKay's Gifford Lectures [Review of Behind the eye]. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 44(1), 49-54.

Debates on the Principle of Logical Relativity and/or Determinism

NOTE: These citations are listed in chronological order; BJPS = the British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, a major journal carrying this debate. See also Bishop 1987 & 1989 in the misc. section below; discussion section of 1966a; etc. date-reply means that the references under that date in the main bibliography includes an exchange of at least two citations.

#Pirenne, M. H. (1952). Mind-like behaviour in artefacts and the concept of mind. BJPS, 2, 315-17. {1951b, 1951b-reply}

#Mays, W. (1953). Mind-like behaviour in artefacts and the concept of mind. BJPS, 3, 191-93.

#Williams, C. J. F. (1961). Logical indeterminacy and freewill. Analysis, 21, 12-13. {1960d; 1960d-reply}

Franklin, R. L. (1968). Freewill and determinism. London: *. {?; see 1971d}

#Landsberg, P. T. & Evans, D. A. (1970). Free will in a mechanistic universe? BJPS, 21, 343-358. {1960d & reply, 1965b, 1965d, 1967a; 1971a}

#Slater, E., Lawden, J. F., Moore, J. R. C., Lamb, R. W., & Simons, G. L. (1970). Determinism [letters to the editor]. New Scientist, 47, 154. {1970e; 1970e-reply}

Sutherland, S. (1970). Is the brain a physical system? In R. Borger & F. Cioffi (eds.), Explanations in the Behavioral Sciences (pp. *). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

#Thalberg, I. (1970). New light on brain physiology and free will? BJPS, 21, 379-383. {1967a; 1971a}

#Buckley, W. F., Jr. (host), Skinner, B. F., MacKay, D. M. (guests), & Steivel, W. (producer & director). (1971, 17 Oct.). The case against freedom. Columbia, S.C.: Southern Educational Communciations Association. (transcript of a "Firing Line" program; available from Producers, Inc.; see Audiotapes section above)

#Good, I. J. (1971). Free will and speed of computation. BJPS, 22, 48-49. {1960d; 1971a}

#Watkins, J. W. N. (1971). Freedom and predictability: An amendment to MacKay. BJPS, 22, 263-274. {1958, 1960d, 1967a; 1971a-reply}

#McDermott, J. (1972). I'm free because I know that I don't yet know what I'm going to do? BJPS, 23, 343-346. {1960d, 1967a, 1971a; 1971a-reply}

#DeWitt, L. W. (1973). The hidden assumption in MacKay's logical paradox concerning free will. BJPS, 24, 402-405. {1960d, 1965a, 1966a, 1967a, 1969a, 1971a; 1971a-reply}

#Cramer, J. A. (1976). The Clockwork Image controversy. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 28, 123-125. {1974d, 1965c; 1976} (see also Cramer, 1985, under Miscellaneous below)

#Hasker, W. (1978). MacKay on being a responsible mechanism: Freedom in a clockwork universe. Christian Scholar's Review, 8, 130-140; Reply to Donald M. MacKay. 8, 149-152. {1974d, 1960d, 1967a, 1971a; 1978d}

#McIntrye, J. A. (1981). A pictorial representation of MacKay's argument for human freedom in a mechanistic universe. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 33, 169-171. {1954b, 1971a, 1974d, 1979b, 1978d, 1976}

#Rogers, J. L. (1984). Is a mechanistic view of creativity a contradiction? Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 37, 105-?. {1974d, ?}

#Gazzaniga, M. S. (1985). The social brain: Discovering the networks of the mind. New York: Basic Books. {1967a}

#MacKay, V. (1990). Divine sovereignty, personal freedom and indeterminacy. Science & Christian Belief, 1, 53-58. {1960d, ?}

Commentary on Technical Scientific Work

NOTE: The dates in the cross-reference given below refer to DMM's publications in the Empirical reports section above unless otherwise indicated. The order is chronological to enable easier matching with material listed above.

#Mynall, D. J. (1947). Electronic function generator. Nature, 159, 743. (see MacKay, 1947 under Electronics)

#Campbell, F. W. & Robson, J. G. (1958). Moving visual images produced by regular stationary patterns. Nature, 181, 362. (see 1957a, 1958a)

#Gregory, R. L. & Donaldson, P. E. K. (1959). A 'solid-image' microscope (reply to MacKay). Nature, 163, 247. (see MacKay, 1959 under Electronics)

#Verheijen, F. J. (1963). Apparent relative movement of 'unsharp' and 'sharp' visual patterns. Nature, 199, 160-61. (see Andrews, MacKay, & Wilson, 1963)

#Maron, M. E. (1965). On cybernetics, information processing, and thinking. In N. Wiener & J. P. Schadé (eds.), Cybernetics of the Nervous System (Progress in Brain Research vol. 17; pp. 118-137). Amsterdam: Elsevier.

#Gose, E. E. (1969). Introduction to biological and mechanical pattern recognition. In S. Watanabe (ed.), Methodologies of pattern recognition (Proceedings of the International Conference held at Honolulu, 1968; pp. 203-253). New York: Academic Press.

Gazzaniga, M. S. (1970). The bisected brain. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. (considers DDM's point about a supervisory system reasonable)

Gazzaniga, M. S. (1972). One brain -- Two minds? American Scientist, 60, 311-317. (ref. to a personal communication from DMM in 1965, shortly after 1964 meeting with Sperry at the Vatican; also cited by #J. E. LeDoux, (1985). Brain, mind and language. In D. A. Oakley (ed.), Brain & Mind (pp. 197-216). London: Methuen.)

#Georgeson, M. A. (1974). Is texture-density contrast an inhibition or adaptation? Nature, 249, 85-86. (see 1974)

#Tribus, M. (1983). Entropy, probability, and communication (reply to commentators). In F. Machlup & U. Mansfield (eds.), The study of information: Interdisciplinary messages (p. 513). New York: Wiley. (see 1983c)

#Szentågothai, J. (1984). Downward causation? Annual Review of Neuroscience, 7, 1-11.

#Cowan, J. D. & Sharp, D. H. (1988). Neural nets and artificial intelligence. In S. R. Graubard (ed.), The artificial intelligence debate: False starts, real foundations (pp. 85-121). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [pp. 87, 89]

Note: a festschrift was also published in German....

Miscellaneous material

NOTE: These citations are listed in alphabetical order. A fundamental ambiguity exists in the threshhold for relevance as a secondary source and thus for inclusion in this list. Passing references clearly are not of interest (except perhaps for some kind of "frequency count" in certain forms of citation analysis). On the other hand, minor uses of DMM's work might well be of interest given the tendency for many writers to downplay the significance of their sources and for evaluating DMM's place among his peers. Among the possible criteria for signficance are (a) frequency of citation over multiple publications of the author, (b) inclusion of DMM's work as one example among others of the point being discussed, (c) degree of centrality to the author's thesis, (d) uniqueness &/or erroneous nature of interpretation of DMM, (e) relevance of author's thesis to DMM's principle lines of work, (f) prominence of author of the secondary source or of the medium of exchange, (g) reduncancy of the reference with other publications by that author, and so on. Resolution of these ambiguities will have to await a more detailed study than can be done here. [subtopics for future breakdowns may include: technical scientific or philosophical work vs. science-religion discussions vs. misc. or mixed focus]

#Alexander, P. (1956). Complementary descriptions. Mind: A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy, 65, 145-165.

#Barclay, O. R. (1988). The RSCF in historical perspective. Science & Faith: Newsletter of the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship, No. 10 (Dec.), 5-11.

#Barbour, I. G. (1974). Myths, models and paradigms: A comparative study in science and religion. New York: Harper & Row.

#Barbour, I. G. (1990). Religion in an age of science (vol. 1: 1989-1990 Gifford Lectures). San Francisco: Harper & Row.

#Bedau, H. A. (1974). Complementarity and the relation between science and religion. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 9, 202-224.

Bishop, J. (1987). Thought, action and the natural order. In D. Perkins, J. Lochhead, & J. Bishop (eds.), Thinking: The second international conference (pp. *). *: Lawrence Erlbaum.

#Bishop, J. (1989). Natural agency: An essay on the causal theory of action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

#Bruce, D. S. (1981). Mechanical man: A Christian physiologists's dilemma? Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 33, 202-205.

#Bunge, M. (1979). The mind-body problem, information theory, and Christian dogma (letter to the editors). Neuroscience, 4, 453-54. (see 1978f & reply for response)

Burwell, R. J. (1979). Integrative strategies in a secular age. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 31, 201ff?.

#Collins, G. R. (1977). The rebuilding of psychology: An integration of psychology and Christianity. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale.

#Cramer, J. A. (1985). Science, scientism and Christianity: The ideas of D. M. MacKay. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 37, 142-148. see also Cramer, 1976, under Logical Relativity above

Dennett, D. C. (1978). Brainstorms: Philosophical essays on mind and psychology. Cambridge, MA: M.I.T./Bradford books. .

#Evans, C. S. (1977/1982). Preserving the person: A look at the human sciences. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker, 1982. (originally published, 1977)

#Evans, C. S. (1986). The self in contemporary psychology. In S. L. Jones (ed.), Psychology and the Christian faith: An introductory reader (pp. 141-155). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker.

#Farnsworth, K. E. (1985). Whole-hearted integration: Harmonizing psychology and Christianity through word and deed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker.

#Feucht, D. L. (1986). The mind-brain problem. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 38, 237-243.

#Haas, J. W., Jr. (1983). Complementarity and Christian thought -- An assessment: 2. Logical complementarity. Journal of the American Scientic Affiliation, 35, 203-209; 1984, 36, 128 (erratum).

#Herrman, R. L. (1978). Dominion or papier-mache? In C. W. Ellison (ed.), Modifying man: Implications and Ethics (pp. 91-95). Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. (response to 1978a)

#Hyland, M. (1985). Do person variables exist in different ways? American Psychologist, 40, 1003-1010; Minds, brains, and misunderstandings: Comment on Snyder. AP, 1987, 42, 758-759. (see also Kirsch & Hyland, 1987)

#Jeeves, M. A. (1968). The scientific enterprise and Christian faith: Main themes from a conference of the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship. London: Tyndale and Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1969.

#__________ (1976). Psychology and Christianity: The view both ways. Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press.

#__________ (1978). Psychological knowledge and Christian commitment. #In C. F. H. Henry (ed.), Horizons of science: Christian scholars speak out (pp. 193-216). New York: Harper & Row. #revised? version reprinted as "Christian belief, experience and practice in the light of expanding psychological knowledge." In M. A. Jeeves (ed.), Behavioural sciences: A Christian perspective (pp. 13-37). Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1984.

#Jones, D. G. (1981). The relationship between the brain and the mind. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 33, 193-202. (this is an excerpt from Jones' book, Our Fragile Brains, 1980) see also book reviews of DMM's works in 1980, 1992

#Jones, S. L. (1986). Relating the Christian faith to psychology. In S. L. Jones (ed.), Psychology and the Christian faith: An introductory reader (pp. 15-33). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker.

#Kaiser, C. B. (1974). The logic of complementarity in science and religion. unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Edinburgh.

#Kirsch, I. & Hyland, M. E. (1987). How thoughts affect the body: A metatheoretical framework. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 8, 417-434; Hyland & Kirsch (1988). Methodological complementarity: With and without reductionism. JMB, 9, 5-12; Kirsch & Hyland (1989). Causal isomorphism and complementarity: Setting the record straight. JMB, 10, 197-204. (see also Hyland, 1985)

#Knight, M. (1964). Science and religion--By a non-theist. In J. K. Brierley (ed.), Science and its context (pp. 121-136). London: Heinemann. (see 1964e, general section)

#McDonald, M. J. (1990). Exploring "levels of explanation" concepts: Part 2, Levels in science-religion dialogue. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 42, 23-33.

#__________ (1994). Mind & Brain ... Science & Religion: Belief & neuroscience in Donald M. MacKay & Roger W. Sperry. In J. van der Meer et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the Pascal Centre International Conference on Science and Belief (pp. *). University Press of America (in press).

#__________ & House, D. V. (1992, August). Coordinating multiple true descriptions: Philosophical contexts for complementarity. In J. van der Meer (chair), Hierarchy Workshop. Workshop conducted at the Pascal Centre International Conference on Science and Belief, Ancaster, Ontario. (unpublished manuscript)

#__________ & House, D. V. (1993, May). 'Complementarity' between levels in the brain sciences? In Symposium: Integrative Levels as a Basis for Unity in Psychology (C. Tolman, moderator). (paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Montréal; abstract published in Canadian Psychology, 1993, 34, 279)

#Myers, D. G. (1978). The human puzzle: Psychological research and Christian belief. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

#Myers, D. G. & Jeeves, M. A. (1987). Psychology through the eyes of faith. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

Oliver, H. H. (1978). The complementarity of theology and cosmology. Zygon, 9, 30ff?.

#Olthuis, J. H. (1978). Toward a normative ethic. In C. W. Ellison (ed.), Modifying man: Implications and Ethics (pp. 97-105). Washington, D.C.: University Press of America. (response to 1978a)

#Orlebeke, C. J. (1977). Donald MacKay's philosophy of science. Christian Scholar's Review, 7(1), 51-63.

#Philipchalk, R. P. (1987). Psychology and Christianity: An introduction to controversial issues. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.

#Polkinghorne, J. C. (1991). The nature of physical reality. Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science, 26, 221-236. (reprinted chapter from Science and Reality)

#Reich, K. H. (1990). The relation between science and theology: The case for complementarity revisited. Zygon: Journal of Science and Religion, 25, 369-390.

Sharpe, K. J. (1992?). David Bohm's world: New science and new religion. *: *.

#Smart, J. J. C. (1981). Commentary: Physicalism and emergence. Neuroscience, 6, 109-113.

[NOTE re. Sperry & DMM exchanges: see also 1966a, discussion; 1985c; and reprintings of Sperry's articles listed below]

#Sperry, R. W. (1980). Mind-brain interaction: Mentalism, yes; dualism, no. Neuroscience, 5, 195-206. #revision reprinted in Sperry 1983 (see 1980e for response by DMM)

#__________ (1981). Changing priorities. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 4, 1-15. #revised version reprinted in Sperry 1983

#__________ (1983). Science and moral priority: Merging mind, brain, and human values. New York: Columbia University Press. paperback edition, New York: Praeger, 1985 (see 1984c in Abstracts for a review by DMM)

#__________ (1987). Structure and signficance of the consciousness revolution. Journal of Mind and Behavior, 8, 37-65.

#Szentågothai, J. (1984). Downward causation? Annual Review of Neuroscience, 7, 1-11.

#Szentågothai, J. (1987). The brain-mind relationship. In B. Gulyås (ed.), The brain-mind problem: Philosophical and neurophysiological approaches (pp. 61-80). Van Gorcum Assen/Maastricht: Leuven University Press.

#Van Leeuwen, M. Stewart (1982). The Sorcerer's Apprentice: A Christian looks at the changing face of psychology (Lectures from the 1982 John G. Finch Symposium on Psychology and Religion, Fuller Seminary, California). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.

#__________ (1983). Reflexivity in North American psychology: Historical reflections on one aspect of a changing paradigm. Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 35, 162-167. see reaction in 1984c

#__________ (1985). The person in psychology: A contemporary Christian appraisal (IFACS Studies in a Christian World View, vol. 3). Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press & Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans.

#__________ (1988). North American Evangelicalism and the social sciences: A historical and critical appraisal. Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith: Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, 40, 194-203.

Wood, L. W. (1986). Recent brain research and the mind-body dilemma. Asbury Theological Journal, 41(1), 37-78.

Major Works of Particular Interest to DMM [TO DO]

NOTE: The following citations are provided as illustrations of the kind of works which would need to be included in a section on "influences" and "background".

Coulson, C. A. (1955). Science and Christian belief. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. (a long-time acquaintance of DMM, he discusses complementarity between science and theology)

Gabor, D. (1946). Theory of communication. Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers, 93, 426ff? (formulates an informational form of complementarity which was generalized by DMM's 1950 paper and later work -- see 1969a)

Gabor, D. (1947). Acoustical quanta and the theory of hearing. Nature, 159, 591-94.

Heim, K. (1953). Christian faith and natural science. New York: Harper & Row. (also discusses complementarity as a relation between science and Christianity.)

Hooykaas, R. (1957). Christian faith and the freedom of science. London: Tyndale Press.

Hooykaas, R. (1957?). The Christian approach in teaching science. London: Tyndale Press.

Hooykaas, R. (1972). Religion and the rise of modern science (Gunning Lectures, University of Edinburgh, 1969). Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press and Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans. (Hooykaas was influential for DMM and the RSCF in many ways, including personal contacts after WWII.)

Popper, K. (1950). Indeterminism in classical and quantum physics. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 1, 117-133 & 173-195. (This formulation of the inherent limitations of self-prediction in computers is a starting point for issues of logical relativity as conceived by DMM.)


As additional study of MacKay's work is pursued, explorations of the many crucial contexts become important. For example, in addition to the several strands within social and intellectual milieu of postwar Britian, the following topics are significant: the British Association for the Advancement of Science; the British Association for the Philosophy of Science; the Neurosciences Research Project at M.I.T.; cybernetics and information theory; the European neuroscientific community; the B.B.C.; the University of Keele; the Research Scientists' Christian Fellowship; numerous prominent individuals, including R. Jung, R. Hooykaas, & W. S. McCulloch; etc. Since historical work covering these eras and topics is still in early stages, much remains to be done.

Corrections and Additions to this Bibliography

The verification and expansion of bibliographies of this kind require innumerable hours to search for and to cross-check materials. Anyone interested in providing suggestions, amendments or additions to this ongoing work is invited to correspond with Marvin McDonald at either address provided in the introduction. I am also quite happy to pass along hints gleaned thus far in the search for additional information.

[*] I want to express my gratitude for the help I have received in compiling this material: Dr. Valerie MacKay, for graciously sending me a copy of DMM's list of publications, circa 1986; Ruth Filmer, for sending me information on the Christians in Science holdings of tapes; Ms. Nancy Goebel, formerly Reader Services Librarian, Augustana University College, for competent and pleasant help with interlibrary loan materials; and Augustana University College for support of library research in the crucial early stages of compilation.

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