Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith Index: December 2008, 60:4



Leegwater, Arie. “The Challenge of Interpretation,” 60:4, 209, D 2008.


In Memoriam

Herrmann, Robert L. “Sir John Templeton: Member and Patron of ASA,” 60:4, 211, D 2008.



Groothuis, Douglas. “Intelligent Design and the State University: Accepting the Challenge,” 60:4, 233, D 2008.

Murphy, George L. “Chiasmic Cosmology and Atonement,” 60:4, 214, D 2008.

Snoke, David. “Defining Undesign in a Designed Universe,” 60:4, 225, D 2008.

Thorson, Walter R. “A Response to Douglas Groothuis,” 60:4, 240, D 2008.


Essay Book Reviews by Author

Bartholomew, David J. God, Chance and Purpose: Can God Have It Both Ways? 60:4, 248, D 2008. (William A. Dembski)

Hess, Peter M. J. and Paul L. Allen. Catholicism and Science, 60:4, 251, D 2008. (J. W. Haas, Jr.)

Roberts, Michael. Evangelicals and Science, 60:4, 251, D 2008. (J. W. Haas, Jr.)


Essay Book Reviews by Reviewer

Dembski, William A. “God’s Use of Chance.” Review of God, Chance and Purpose: Can God Have It Both Ways? by David J. Bartholomew. 60:4, 248, D 2008.

Haas, Jr. J. W. “Evangelical and Catholic Interactions with Science.” Review of Catholicism and Science, by Peter M. J. Hess and Paul L. Allen and Evangelicals and Science, by Michael Roberts. 60:4, 251, D 2008.


Book Reviews by Author

Delbourgo, James and Nicholas Dew, eds. Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, 60:4, 268, D 2008. (Sara Miles)

Ellens, J. Harold. Radical Grace: How Belief in a Benevolent God Benefits Our Health, 60:4, 267, D 2008. (H. Donald Merrill)

Garte, Seymour. Where We Stand: A Surprising Look at the Real State of Our Planet, 60:4, 265, D 2008. (Charles E. Chaffey)

Glover, Gordon J. Beyond the Firmament: Understanding Science and the Theology of Creation, 60:4, 273, D 2008. (Anthony L. [Tony] Blair)

Goetz, Stewart and Charles Taliaferro. Naturalism, 60:4, 270, D 2008. (William Hasker)

Greenberg, Daniel S. Science for Sale: The Perils, Rewards, and Delusions of Campus Capitalism, 60:4, 276, D 2008. (David W. Opderbeck)

Hall, Amy Laura. Conceiving Parenthood: American Protestantism and the Spirit of Reproduction, 60:4, 266, D 2008. (James C. Peterson)

Hartley, Andrew M. Christian and Humanist Foundations for Statistical Inference: Religious Control of Statistical Paradigms, 60:4, 269, D 2008. (Steve Bishop)

Harvey, Barry. Can These Bones Live? A Catholic Baptist Engagement with Ecclesiology, Hermeneutics, and Social Theory, 60:4, 272, D 2008. (Patrick S. Franklin)

Hiebert, Paul G. Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Understanding of How People Change, 60:4, 264, D 2008. (Alexander H. Bolyanatz)

Markham, Paul N. Rewired: Exploring Religious Conversion, 60:4, 274, D 2008. (Patrick S. Franklin)

Mayer, Gary T. New Evidence for Two Human Origins: Discoveries That Reconcile the Bible and Science, 60:4, 275, D 2008. (Martin LaBar)

Middleton, Eric. The New Flatlanders: A Seeker’s Guide to the Theory of Everything, 60:4, 266, D 2008. (Matthew Walhout)

Mitchell, C. Ben, Edward D. Pellegrino, Jean Bethke Elshtain, John F. Kilner, and Scott B. Rae. Biotechnology and the Human Good, 60:4, 278, D 2008. (David S. Koetje)

Rana, Fazale. The Cell’s Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator’s Artistry, 60:4, 269, D 2008. (Benjamin McFarland)

Polak, Paul. Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail, 60:4, 276, D 2008. (William Jordan)

Tucker, William H. The Funding of Scientific Racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund, 60:4, 277, D 2008. (Ken Mickleson)

Stackhouse, Jr., John G. Making the Best of It: Following Christ in the Real World, 60:4, 271, D 2008. (James C. Peterson)

Van Engen, Charles E., J. Dudley Woodberry, Darrell Whiteman, eds. Paradigm Shifts in Christian Witness: Insights from Anthropology, Communication, and Spiritual Power, 60:4, 264, D 2008. (Alexander H. Bolyanatz)

VanderVennen, Robert E. A University for the People: A History of the Institute for Christian Studies, 60:4, 273, D 2008. (Harry Cook)

Book Reviews by Reviewer

Bishop, Steve. Review of Christian and Humanist Foundations for Statistical Inference: Religious Control of Statistical Paradigms, by Andrew M. Hartley. 60:4, 269, D 2008.

Blair, Anthony L. (Tony). Review of Beyond the Firmament: Understanding Science and the Theology of Creation, by Gordon J. Glover. 60:4, 273, D 2008.

Bolyanatz, Alexander H. Review of Paradigm Shifts in Christian Witness: Insights from Anthropology, Communication, and Spiritual Power, by Charles E. Van Engen, J. Dudley Woodberry, Darrell Whiteman, eds. 60:4, 264, D 2008.

Bolyanatz, Alexander H. Review of Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Understanding of How People Change, by Paul G. Hiebert. 60:4, 264, D 2008.

Chaffey, Charles E. Review of Where We Stand: A Surprising Look at the Real State of Our Planet, by Seymour Garte. 60:4, 265, D 2008.

Cook, Harry. Review of A University for the People: A History of the Institute for Christian Studies, by Robert E. VanderVennen. 60:4, 273, D 2008.

Franklin, Patrick S. Review of Can These Bones Live? A Catholic Baptist Engagement with Ecclesiology, Hermeneutics, and Social Theory, by Barry Harvey. 60:4, 272, D 2008.

Franklin, Patrick S. Review of Rewired: Exploring Religious Conversion, by Paul N. Markham. 60:4, 274, D 2008.

Hasker, William. Review of Naturalism, by Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro. 60:4, 270, D 2008.

Jordan, William. Review of Out of Poverty: What Works When Traditional Approaches Fail, by Paul Polak. 60:4, 276, D 2008.

Koetje, David S. Review of Biotechnology and the Human Good, by C. Ben Mitchell, Edward D. Pellegrino, Jean Bethke Elshtain, John F. Kilner, and Scott B. Rae. 60:4, 278, D 2008.

LaBar, Martin. Review of New Evidence for Two Human Origins: Discoveries That Reconcile the Bible and Science, by Gary T. Mayer. 60:4, 275, D 2008.

McFarland, Benjamin. Review of The Cell’s Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator’s Artistry by Fazale Rana. 60:4, 269, D 2008.

Merrill, H. Donald. Review of Radical Grace: How Belief in a Benevolent God Benefits Our Health, by J. Harold Ellens. 60:4, 267, D 2008.

Mickleson, Ken. Review of The Funding of Scientific Racism: Wickliffe Draper and the Pioneer Fund, by William H. Tucker. 60:4, 277, D 2008.

Miles, Sara. Review of Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, by James Delbourgo and Nicholas Dew, eds. 60:4, 268, D 2008.

Opderbeck, David W. Review of Science for Sale: The Perils, Rewards, and Delusions of Campus Capitalism, by Daniel S. Greenberg. 60:4, 276, D 2008.

Peterson, James C. Review of Conceiving Parenthood: American Protestantism and the Spirit of Reproduction, by Amy Laura Hall. 60:4, 266, D 2008.

Peterson, James C. Review of Making the Best of It: Following Christ in the Real World, by John G. Stackhouse, Jr. 60:4, 271, D 2008.

Walhout, Matthew. Review of The New Flatlanders: A Seeker’s Guide to the Theory of Everything, by Eric Middleton. 60:4, 266, D 2008.

Book Notices by Author

Moore, Randy and Mark D. Decker. More than Darwin: An Encyclopedia of the People and Places of the Evolution-Creationism Controversy, 60:4, 280, D 2008. (Arie Leegwater)

Young, Christian C. and Mark A. Largent, eds. Evolution and Creationism: A Documentary and Reference Guide, 60:4, 280, D 2008. (Edward B. Davis)

Book Notices by Reviewer

Davis, Edward B. Review of Evolution and Creationism: A Documentary and Reference Guide by Christian C. Young and Mark A. Largent, eds., 60:4, 280, D 2008.

Leegwater, Arie. Review of More than Darwin: An Encyclopedia of the People and Places of the Evolution-Creationism Controversy by Randy Moore and Mark D. Decker, 60:4, 280, D 2008.