Index Volumes 51-53 -- Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith

Haas, Jr., J. W. "Creation and the Churches," 51:1, 8, M 1999.
------. "Exemplary Books," 51:3, 141, S 1999.
------. "The Literature on Science and Religion," 51:2, 71, J 1999.
Miller, Roman J."A Gift Shared," 52:3, 149, S 2000.
------. "Beyond the Edge?" 53:1, 1, M 2001.
------. "Look Out! Construction in Progress!" 51:4, 211, D 1999.
------. "On Rocks, Questions, and Creations," 52:2, 79, J 2000.
------. "A 'Reviewing' Community," 52:4, 219, D 2000.
------. "Welcome, New Day!" 52:1, 1, M 2000.

Bergman, Jerry. "Is the Inverted Human Eye a Poor Design?" 52:1, 18, M 2000.
Carter, Ben M. "Consciousness Explained?" 51:2, 78, J 1999.
"The Salvation of Your Souls: But What Is a Soul?" 52:4, 242, D 2000.
Chadwick, Arthur V. and Robert F. DeHaan. "The Trilobite: Enigma of Complexity--A Case for Intelligent Design," 52:4, 233, D 2000.
Cook, Harry and Hank D. Bestman. "A Persistent View: Lamarckian Thought in Early Evolutionary Theories and in Modern Biology," 52:2, 86, J 2000.
Dodson, Edward O. "Toldot Adam: A Little-Known Chapter in the History of Darwinism," 52:1, 47, M 2000.
Dormer, Kenneth J. and George Kinoti. "Science and Development in Developing Countries," 51:3, 146, S 1999.
Emberger, Gary. "Theological Analysis of Selected Recent Creationist Assertions Concerning the Occurrence of Death Before Sin," 52:3, 160, S 2000.
Haas, J. W., Jr. "The Rev. Dr. William H. Dallinger F.R.S.: Early Advocate of Theistic Evolution and Foe of Spontaneous Generation," 52:2, 107, J 2000.
Held, Armin and Peter R¸st. "Genesis Reconsidered," 51:4, 231, D 1999.
Hill, Carol A. "A Time and a Place for Noah," 53:1, 24, M 2001.
------. "The Garden of Eden: A Modern Landscape," 52:1, 31, M 2000.
Kalthoff, Mark A. "A Different Voice from the Eve of The Origin: Reconsidering John Henry Newman on Christianity, Science, and Intelligent Design" 53:1, 14, M 2001.
Larson, Ronald G. "Viral Evolution: Climbing Mount Molehill?" 52:3, 169, S 2000.
McIntyre, John A."Repeating the Catholics' Galileo Error," 52:4, 255, D 2000.
Menninga, Clarence. "Disease and Dying in the Fossil Record: Implications for Christian Theology," 51:4, 26, D 1999.
Moberg, David O. "The Great Commission and Research," 51:1, 8, M 1999.
Morton, Glenn R. "Dating Adam," 51:2, 87, J 1999.
"Transitional Forms and the Evolution of Phyla," 53:1, 42, M 2001.
Murphy, George L. "Chiasmic Cosmology and Creation's Functional Integrity," 53:1, 7, M 2001.
------. "Does the Trinity Play Dice?" 51:1, 18, M 1999.
Musselman, Lytton John. "Solomon's Plant Life: Plant Lore and Image in the Solomonic Writings," 51:1, 26, M 1999.
Roberts, Michael B. "Design Up to Scratch? A Comparison of Design in Buckland (1832) and Behe," 51:4, 244, D 1999.
Rogland, Robert. "Pre-Programmed Descent with Modification: Functional Integrity, Intelligent Design, and Natural History," 52:2, 98, J 2000.
Zoeller-Greer, Peter. "Genesis, Quantum Physics and Reality: How the Bible agrees with Quantum Physics --An Anthropic Principle of Another Kind: The Divine Anthropic Principle," 52:1, 8, M 2000.

Austerberry, Charles F. "Teaching Evolution while Respecting Faith in a Creator," 52:3, 187, S 2000.
Beaver, Bruce. "Science, Sand, and Spirit," 52:2, 118, J 2000.
Blount, George. "A True Creation," 51:4, 258, D 1999.
Carter, Ben M. "Richard Dawkins as Bad Poet," 52:3, 181, S 2000.
Feucht, Dennis L. "Determinism and the Semidecidability of a Free Choice," 51:3, 158, S 1999.
Jensen, Dennis. "Pain, Pleasure and Evolution: An Analysis of Paul Draper's Critique of Theism," 51:1, 40, M 1999.
Lahti, David C. "One Spiritual Danger in Creationism: Drawing a Red Herring Across a Track," 52:2, 123, J 2000.
McGrath, Gavin Basil. "James Orr's Endorsement of Theistic Evolution," 51:2, 114, J 1999.
McIntyre, John A. "Evolution's Fatal Flaw," 51:3, 162, S 1999.
Mills, Gordon C. "The Origin of Antibody Diversity," 51:4, 254, D 1999.
Morris, Michael C. "God's Design Plan in Nature: A Fresh Look at Altruism," 52:1, 55, M 2000.
Morton, Glenn R. "Planning Ahead: Requirement for Moral Accountability," 51:3, 176, S 1999.
Murphy, George L. "Cross-Based Apologetics for a Scientific Millennium," 52:3, 190, S 2000.
Potter, Harley D. "How to End Science's Border War: A Conceptual Framework," 51:2, 98, J 1999.
Seely, Paul H. "Creation Science Takes Psalm 104:6-9 Out of Context," 51:3, 170, S 1999.
Siemens, Jr., David F. "Considering the Probabilities of Creation and Evolution," 52:3, 194, S 2000.
------. "Two Prediction Sets and Their Consequences for Applying Intelligent Design Theories," 51:2, 108, J 1999.
Spradley, Joseph L. "Extrasolar Planets and Religious Responses," 51:1, 34, M 1999.
Touryan, Kenell J. "Are Truth Claims in Science Socially Constructed?" 51:2, 102, J 1999.

1998 Donors, 51:1, 48, M 1999.
1999 Donors, 52:1, 58, M 2000.
2000 Donors, 53:1, 52, M 2001.

Essay Review
Brown, Warren S., Nancey Murphy, and Newton H. Malony, eds. Whatever Happened to the Soul? Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature, 51:2, 122, J 1999. (Pablo Polischuk)
Hutchinson, Ian H. "Faith in the Machine," 52:4, 260, D 2000.
Wilson, Edward O. Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, 51:3, 181, S 1999. (Thomas D. Pearson)

In Memoriam
Everest, F. Alton. "Irving A. Cowperthwaite (1904-1999): One of the Five Founding Fathers of ASA," 51:3, 142, S 1999.

News & Views
Aulie, Richard L. "A Look at Intelligent Design," 53:1, 4, M 2001.
Bouma, Hessel III. "Completing the Human Genome Project: The End is Just the Beginning," 52:3, 152, S 2000.
Crouch, Catherine H., Deborah B. Haarsma, and Loren Haarsma. "Doing Science and Loving the Needy," 51:2, 76, J 1999.
Dawson, Shawn. "Another View on an Alleged Fatal Flaw in Evolution," 53:1, 2, M 2001.
DeHaan, Robert F. "Robotics: Darwinism, Intelligent Design, and Genesis," 52:4, 231, D 2000.
Duff, R. Joel. "Carbon 14 and Lead Deposition," 51:1, 6, M 1999.
Editorial Staff, "The Nature Debates," 51:1, 6, M 1999.
------. "Politics & Environment," 51:1, 6, M 1999.
Hill, Arthur R. "Theistic Evolution: Enough Already!" 53:1, 5, M 2001.
Maddox, Darryl W. "What Do You Do?" 51:4, 223, D 1999.
McIntyre, John A. "We Won," 51:3, 144, S 1999.
Miller, Keith B. "The Controversy over the Kansas Science Standards," 51:4, 220, D 1999.
Miller, Robert L. "Where does the spiritual world fit into our description of the physical world?" 51:3, 143, S 1999.
Morton, Glenn R.
"The Coming Energy Crisis," 52:4, 228, D 2000.
------. "Neanderthal/Human Hybrid," 51:3, 145, S 1999.
------. "The Transformation of a Young-Earth Creationist," 52:2, 81, J 2000.
Newman, Robert C. "Lessons from the Kansas Decision," 52:2, 83, J 2000.
Peterson, James C. "Newsworthy Genetics," 52:3, 151, S 2000.
Roberts, Michael. "Was Darwin a Christian?" 52:2, 84, J 2000.
Roth, Kenneth E. "Stem Cell Research: Potential Life-Saver or Just 'Playing God?'" 51:4, 222, D 1999.
Siemens, Jr., David F. "The Kansas Board of Education Action: Potholes into Sinkholes," 51:4, 221, D 1999.
Woodburn, John H. "The Label Problem," 52:4, 230, D 2000.

Reviewers, 52:4, 220, D 2000.

Young Scientists' Corner
Crouch, Catherine H. "Scientific Ethics: A Realm for Partnership," 52:3, 156, S 2000.
Hayworth, Douglas. "The 'Lesson of Riddles,'" 52:4, 222, D 2000.
Lin, Johnny. "Knowledge and Loving God: Reflections on Faith and My Graduate Experience," 51:4, 214, D 1999.
Roth, Michelle. "A View from the Crossroads of Science and Faith," 52:1, 4, M 2000.
Struthers, William M. "A Guide to Graduate School for Christians in Science: Growing and Staying Sane," 51:2, 72, J 1999.
Wiseman, Jennifer J. "How You Can Help Young Christians in Science," 51:1, 2, M 1999.

Book Reviews
Aay, Henk and Sander Griffioen, eds. Geography and Worldview: A Christian Reconnaissance, 51:1, 54, M 1999. (Gordon Lewthwaite)
Abanes, Richard. End-Time Visions: The Road to Armageddon? 51:2, 135, J 1999. (John W. Burgeson)
Anderson, Paul M., ed. Professors Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Christian Faculty, 51:4, 265, D 1999. (Frazer F. Fleming)
Ankerberg, John and John Weldon. Darwin's Leap of Faith, 51:2, 130, J 1999. (James O. Buswell III)
Arden, John Boghosian. Science, Theology and Consciousness: The Search for Unity, 51:2, 134, J 1999. (Richard H. Bube)
Asimov, Isaac. The Roving Mind, 51:2, 129, J 1999. (David T. Barnard)
Athanasiou, Tom. Divided Planet: The Ecology of Rich and Poor, 51:3, 203, S 1999. (Jan de Koning)
Ator, Joe T. The Return of Credibility: Scientific Discoveries Support Belief in the Bible's Creation Account, 51:1, 59, M 1999. (George D. Bennett)
Banks, Robert and R. Paul Stevens, eds. The Complete Book of Everyday Christianity, 51:4, 265, D 1999. (Richard Ruble)
Barkley, Oliver. Evangelicalism in Britain 1935-1995: A Personal Sketch, 51:2, 128, J 1999. (Charles Wingard)
Barney, Gerald O. Threshold 2000: Critical Issues and Spiritual Values for a Global Age, 52:4, 269, D 2000. (Dominic J. Caraccilo)
Barrow, John D. Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits, 51:4, 275, D 1999. (Paul Copan)
Benner, David G. and Peter C. Hill, eds. Baker Encyclopedia of Psychology and Counseling, 2d ed., 52:2, 144, J 2000. (William M. Struthers)
Blay, Michel. Reasoning with the Infinite: From the Closed World to the Mathematical Universe, 51:3, 184, S 1999. (Adam Drozdek)
Blazer, Dan. Freud vs. God: How Psychiatry Lost its Soul and Christianity Lost its Mind, 51:1, 63, M 1999. (Gregory D. Smith)
Bohlin, Ray. Creation, Evolution, & Modern Science, 53:1, 63, M 2001. (Glenn R. Morton)
Bonda, Jan. The One Purpose of God: An Answer to the Doctrine of Eternal Punishment, 51:2, 136, J 1999. (David Condron)
Booher, Harold R. Origins, Icons and Illusions: Exploring the Science and Psychology of Creation and Evolution, 51:3, 201, S 1999. (Eugene O. Bowser)
Brockelman, Paul. Cosmology and Creation: The Spiritual Significance of Contemporary Cosmology, 52:4, 281, D 2000. (David T. Barnard)
Brooke, John and Geoffrey Canter. Reconstructing Nature: The Engagement of Science and Religion, 51:3, 191, S 1999. (Pradeep M. Dass)
Broom, Neil. How Blind Is the Watchmaker? Theism or Atheism: Should Science Decide? 51:4, 276, D 1999. (Ken Mickleson)
Brown, Chip. Afterwards, You're a Genius: Faith, Medicine, and the Metaphysics of Healing, 53:1, 66, M 2001. (Robert A. Campbell)
Burnham, Terry and Jay Phelan. Mean Genes, 53:1, 60, M 2001. (Dominic J. Caraccilo)
Bruteau, Beatrice. God's Ecstasy: The Creation of a Self-Creating World, 51:3, 195, S 1999. (John W. Burgeson)
Budziszewski, J. How to Stay Christian in College, 52:2, 135, J 2000. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Burley, Justine, ed. The Genetic Revolution and Human Rights: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1998, 51:3, 198, S 1999. (Jan de Koning)
Cafferky, John. Evolution's Hand: Searching for the Creator in Contemporary Science, 51:1, 59, M 1999. (Fazale [Fuz] R. Rana)
Carey, Patrick and Joseph Lienhard, eds. Biographical Dictionary of Christian Theologians, 52:4, 280, D 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Carnell, Corbin Scott. Bright Shadow of Reality: Spiritual Longing in C. S. Lewis, 52:2, 142, J 2000. (John M. Drake)
Casten, Thomas R. Turning Off the Heat: Why America Must Double Energy Efficiency to Save Money and Reduce Global Warming, 51:4, 262, D 1999. (George D. Bennett)
Clark, G. A. and C. M. Willermet, eds. Conceptual Issues in Modern Human Origins Research, 51:1, 61, M 1999. (Janice Drodge)
Clayton, Philip. God and Contemporary Science, 51:4, 270, D 1999. (Randall K. Harris)
Clouser, Roy. Knowing with the Heart: Religious Experience and Belief in God, 52:3, 211, S 2000. (Jan de Koning)
Coles, Robert. Secular Mind, 52:2, 145, J 2000. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Cooper, David and Robert P. Lanza. Xeno: The Promise of Transplanting Animal Organs into Humans, 52:3, 207, S 2000. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Cremo, Michael A. Forbidden Archeology's Impact, 52:1, 63, M 2000. (Dominic J. Caraccilo)
Davis, Stephen T. God, Reason and Theistic Proofs, 51:1, 50, M 1999. (Bruno D. Granger)
Dembski, William A., ed. Mere Creation: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design, 51:3, 194, S 1999. (Daniel J. Berger)
Devine, Richard J. Good Care, Painful Choices, 2d ed., 53:1, 55, M 2001. (Elizabeth M. Hairfield)
DiCanzio, Albert. Galileo: His Science and His Significance for the Future of Man, 51:2, 127, J 1999. (J. David Holland)
Drews, Arthur. The Christ Myth, 51:3, 207, (John W. Burgeson)
Easterbrook, Gregg. Beside Still Waters: Searching for Meaning in an Age of Doubt, 51:4, 277, D 1999. (John Burgeson)
Ebert, John David. Twilight of the Clockwork God: Conversions on Science and Spirituality at the End, 52:1, 69, M 2000. (Dominic J. Caraccilo)
Edwards, Denis. The God of Evolution: A Trinitarian Theology, 51:4, 272, D 1999. (Dominic J. Caraccilo)
Ehrlich, Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich. Betrayal of Science and Reason, 51:3, 202, S 1999. (Steven G. Hall)
Ellis, Marc H. Unholy Alliance: Religion and Atrocity in Our Time, 51:1, 68, M 1999. (Robert A. Campbell)
Emsley, John. Molecules at an Exhibition: Portraits of Intriguing Materials in Everyday Life, 51:1, 53, M 1999. (Charles E. Chaffey)
Farber, Seth. Unholy Madness: The Church's Surrender to Psychiatry, 52:1, 73, M 2000. (Lytton John Musselman)
Farley, Benjamin W. Son of the Morning Sky: Reflections on the Spirituality of the Earth, 52:4, 270, D 2000. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Feynman, Richard P. The Meaning of it All: Thoughts of a Citizen Scientist, 51:3, 196, S 1999. (Mark Koonz)
Freeze, R. Allan. The Environmental Pendulum: A Quest for the Truth about Toxic Chemicals, Human Health, and Environmental Protection, 53:1, 55, M 2001. (Michael Morris)
Frend, William. The Archaeology of Early Christianity: A History, 51:1, 65, M 1999. (Lytton John Musselman)
Gallant, Roy A. Early Humans: The Story of Science, 52:3, 208, S 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Gee, Henry. In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life, 53:1, 60, M 2001. (Robert Rogland)
Geisler, Norman. Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, 52:1, 71, M 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Giere, Ronald N. Science Without Laws, 52:1, 70, M 2000. (Robert A. Campbell)
Gieryn, Thomas F. Cultural Boundaries of Science: Credibility on the Line, 52:1, 71, M 2000. (Dennis Cheek)
Glazer, Penina Migdal and Myron Peretz Glazer. The Environmental Crusaders: Confronting Disaster and Mobilizing Community, 51:4, 261, D 1999. (David Condron)
Gleick, James. Faster: The Acceleration of Just About Everything, 52:2, 145, J 2000. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Glynn, Patrick. God, the Evidence: The Reconciliation of Faith and Reason in a Postsecular World, 51:2, 127, J 1999. (Bruno D. Granger)
Gnanakan, Ken. God's World: A Theology of the Environment, 52:3, 201, S 2000. (J. David Holland)
Goldberg, Steven. Seduced by Science: How American Religion Has Lost Its Way, 52:4, 268, D 2000. (Robert A. Campbell)
Goldsmith, Edward. The Way: An Ecological World-view, 51:1, 56, M 1999. (Bernard J. Piersma)
Goldstein, Niles Elliot, ed. Spiritual Manifestos: Visions for Renewed Religious Life in America from Young Spiritual Leaders of Many Faiths, 52:4, 284, D 2000. (David O. Moberg)
Golshani, Mehdi, ed. Can Science Dispense With Religion? 52:1, 61, M 2000. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Gonen, Rivka. Biblical Holy Places: An Illustrated Guide, 52:4, 282, D 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Goodenough, Ursula. The Sacred Depths of Nature, 51:4, 269, D 1999. (Jan de Koning)
Gould, Stephen Jay. Rocks of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life, 52:1, 60, M 2000. (George L. Murphy)
Greene, John C. Debating Darwin: Adventures of a Scholar, 52:1, 64, M 2000. (Donald A. Yerxa)
Greene-McCreight, K. E. Ad Litteram: How Augustine, Calvin, and Barth Read the Plain Sense of Genesis 1-3, 51:3, 185, S 1999. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Gregerson, N. H. and J. W. Wentzel van Huyssteen, eds. Rethinking Theology and Science: Six Models for the Current Dialogue, 52:1, 61, M 2000. (M. Marcinko Kuehn)
Griffiths, Sian, ed. Predictions: Thirty Great Minds on the Future, 52:4, 283, D 2000. (David T. Barnard)
Groothuis, Douglas. Truth Decay: Defending Christianity against the Challenges of Postmodernism, 53:1, 65, M 2001. (O. C. Karkalits)
Gunton, Colin E. ed. The Doctrine of Creation, 51:4, 271, D 1999. (George L. Murphy)
Gunton, Colin E. The Triune God: A Historical and Systematic Study, 51: 3, 206, S 1999. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Gushee, David P., ed. Toward a Just and Caring Society: Christian Responses to Poverty in America, 52:4, 285, D 2000. (Jan de Koning)
Hanegraaff, Hank. The Face That Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution, 51:3, 192, S 1999. (Conway H. Wong)
Haught, John F. God after Darwin: A Theology of Evolution, 52:4, 278, D 2000. (Martin LaBar)
Haught, John F., ed. Science and Religion in Search of Cosmic Purpose, 53:1, 57, M 2001. (Robert J. Schneider)
Hayward, James L. The Creation/Evolution Controversy: An Annotated Bibliography, 51:2, 131, J 1999. (Ralph E. MacKenzie)
Heifetz, Milton D. Ethics in Medicine, 51:1, 62, M 1999. (Edward M. Blight, Jr.)
Heinrichs, Daniel. My Faith and Genesis, 53:1, 57, M 2001. (Richard Ruble)
Henry, Granville C. Christianity and the Images of Science, 52:2, 129, J 2000. (Paul Fayter)
Hermanowicz, Joseph C. The Stars Are Not Enough: Scientists-- Their Passions and Professions, 51: 3, 198, S 1999. (Kathleen E. Lewis)
Hessel, Dieter T. and Rosemary Radford Ruether, eds. Christianity and Ecology: Seeking the Well-Being of Earth and Humans, 52:3, 200, S 2000. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Hill, Brennan R. Christian Faith and the Environment: Making Vital Connections, 51:4, 260, D 1999. (J. David Holland)
Hill, Peter C. and Ralph W. Hood Jr., eds. Measures of Religiosity, 52:4, 282, D 2000. (David O. Moberg)
Hoezee, Scott. Remember Creation: God's World of Wonder and Delight, 51:4, 261, D 1999. (Wilbur L. Bullock)
Howard, George S. Ecological Psychology: Creating a More Earth-Friendly Human Nature, 51:3, 203, S 1999. (Jan de Koning)
Huber, Peter. Hard Green: Saving the Environment from the Environmentalists, A Conservative Manifesto, 52:4, 265, D 2000. (David Condron)
Humber, James M. and Robert F. Almeder, eds. Is There a Duty to Die? 52:3, 202, S 2000. (John W. Burgeson)
Innes, Brian. Death and the Afterlife, 52:4, 279, D 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Jaki, Stanley L. Means to Message: A Treatise on Truth, 52:1, 68, M 2000. (Donald A. Yerxa)
Jammer, Max. Einstein and Religion: Physics and Theology, 52:3, 205, S 2000. (John M. Drake)
Jeeves, Malcolm A. and R. J. Berry. Science, Life and Christian Belief: A Survey and Assessment, 51:4, 265, D 1999. (Judy Toronchuk)
------. Science, Life, and Christian Belief: A Survey of Contemporary Issues, 52:2, 131, J 2000. (Eunjeong Lee)
Johnson, Phillip E. Objectives Sustained: Subversive Essays on Evolution, Law & Culture, 51:2, 132, J 1999. (Ralph MacKenzie)
------. The Wedge of Truth, 52:4, 270, D 2000. (Glenn R. Morton)
Kaminer, Wendy. Sleeping With Extra-terrestrials, 52:2, 135, J 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Kennedy, D. James. Skeptics Answered, 51:2, 136, J 1999. (Everette Hatcher III)
Kilner, John F., Paige C. Cunningham, and W. David Hager, eds. The Reproduction Revolution: A Christian Appraisal of Sexuality, Reproduction Technologies, and the Family, 52:4, 266, D 2000. (Martin LaBar)
Kole, Andre and Jerry MacGregor. Mind Games: Exposing Today's Psychics, Frauds, and False Spiritual Phenomena, 51:1, 64, M 1999. (James Wing)
Korsmeyer, Jerry D. Evolution and Eden: Balancing Original Sin and Contemporary Science, 51:4, 278, D 1999. (Jan de Koning)
Larsen, Dale & Sandy. Seven Myths about Christianity, 51:1, 69, M 1999. (Ralph E. MacKenzie)
Larson, Edward J. Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America's Continuing Debate over Science and Religion, 51:2, 126, J 1999. (Ryan O'Connor)
Larson, Edward J. and Darrel W. Amundsen. A Different Death: Euthanasia and the Christian Tradition, 51:3, 205, S 1999. (Richard H. Bube)
Lawrence, Christopher and Steven Shapin, eds. Science Incarnate: Historical Embodiments of Natural Knowledge, 51:2, 126, J 1999. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Leax, John. Out Walking: Reflections on Our Place in the Natural World, 52:4, 275, D 2000. (J. David Holland)
Levitt, Norman. Prometheus Bedeviled: Science and the Contradictions of Contemporary Culture, 52:2, 141, J 2000. (Robert A. Campbell)
Lightman, Bernard, ed. Victorian Science in Context, 51:1, 58, M 1999. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Livingstone, David N., D. G. Hart, and Mark A. Noll, eds. Evangelicals in Science in Historical Perspective, 52:2, 137, J 2000. (Gordon R. Lewthwaite)
Locke, John. Edited by George W. Ewing. The Reasonableness of Christianity, 51:1, 55, M 1999. (Bruno D. Granger)
Locke, Simon. Constructing the Beginning: Discourses of Creation Science, 51:4, 272, D 1999. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Lyons, Sherrie L. Thomas Henry Huxley: The Evolution of a Scientist, 52:3, 205, S 2000. (John M. Drake)
MacMurray, John. By Chance? Landscapes from the Canvas of the Creator, 51:1, 57, M 1999. (Richard Ruble)
Marshall, Paul with Lela Gilbert. Heaven Is Not My Home: Learning to Live in God's Creation, 51:4, 269, D 1999. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Martin, Raymond. The Elusive Messiah, 53:1, 64, M 2001. (Richard Ruble)
Matthews, Dale A. with Connie Clark. The Faith Factor: Proof of the Healing Power of Prayer, 51:1, 66, M 1999. (John W. Burgeson)
McGrath, Alister E. Science & Religion: An Introduction, 51:3, 186, S 1999. (David T. Barnard)
McMullen, Emerson Thomas. William Harvey and the Use of Purpose in the Scientific Revolution: Cosmos by Chance or Universe by Design? 51:1, 52, M 1999. (James Wing)
Milne, Antony. Doomsday: The Science of Catastrophic Events, 53:1, 61 M 2001. (John Drake)
Molnar, Michael R. The Star of Bethlehem: The Legacy of the Magi, 52:2, 138, J 2000. (Jan de Koning)
Moreland, J. P. and Scott B. Rae. Body and Soul: Human Nature and the Crisis in Ethics, 53:1, 56, M 2001. (David Condron)
Morris, Simon Conway. The Crucible of Creation: The Burgess Shale and the Rise of Animals, 52:4, 277, D 2000. (Glenn R. Morton)
Myers, David G. The American Paradox: Spiritual Hunger in an Age of Plenty, 53:1, 66, M 2001. (Rick Froman)
Nelson, P. G. Big Bang, Small Voice: Reconciling Genesis and Modern Science, 52:2, 132, J 2000. (J. David Holland)
------. God's Control over the Universe: Providence, Judgment and Modern Science, 52:4, 272, D 2000. (Elizabeth M. Hairfield)
Newman, Robert C., John L. Wiester with Janet and Jonathan Moneymaker. What's Darwin Got To Do With It: A Friendly Conversation about Evolution, 53:1, 63, M 2001. (Dominic J. Caraccilo)
Nogar, Raymond J. The Lord of the Absurd, 51:4, 276, D 1999. (David O. Moberg)
Numbers, Ronald L. Darwinism Comes to America, 51:3, 189, S 1999. (Ralph E. MacKenzie)
O'Hare, Mick, ed. The Last Word: Questions and Answers from the Popular Column on Everyday Science, 52:3, 207, S 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Overman, Dean L. A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization, 51:1, 61, M 1999. (Charles E. Chaffey)
Pennock, Robert T. Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism, 51:4, 273, D 1999. (James Wing)
Peters, Ted, ed. Science and Theology: The New Consonance, 51:1, 52, M 1999. (J. David Holland)
------. Science and Theology: The New Consonance, 52:4, 268, D 2000. (O. C. Karkalits)
Petersen, Richard. New Insights to Antiquity: A Drawing Aside of the Veil, 52:4, 279, D 2000. (David Condron)
Phillips, Adam. Darwin's Worms: On Life Stories and Death Stories, 53:1, 59, M 2001. (Donald A. Yerxa)
Pickover, Clifford A. Time: A Traveler's Guide, 51:3, 190, S 1999. (Jan de Koning)
Polkinghorne, John. Belief in God in an Age of Science, 51:3, 186, S1999. (T. Timothy Chen)
Poundstone, William. Carl Sagan: A Life in the Cosmos, 52:4, 273, D 2000. (Donald A. Yerxa)
Pullman, Bernard. The Atom in the History of Human Thought, 51:3, 184, S 1999. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Rae, Scott B. and Paul M. Cox. Bioethics: A Christian Approach in a Pluralistic Age, 52:2, 128, J 2000. (Martin LaBar)
Raymo, Chet. Skeptics and True Believers: The Exhilarating Connection between Science and Religion, 51:3, 193, S 1999. (J. David Holland)
Reeves, Hubert, et al. Origins: Cosmos, Earth, and Mankind, 52:1, 68, M 2000. (Dominic J. Caraccilo)
Rhodes, Ron. Alien Obsession: What Lies Behind Abduction, Sightings, and the Attraction to the Paranormal, 51:1, 65, M 1999. (David Condron)
------. The Complete Book of Bible Answers, 51:2, 137, J 1999. (Terry G. Hiebert)
Roberts, Robert C. and Mark R. Talbot, eds. Limning the Psyche: Explorations in Christian Psychology, 51:2, 135, J 1999. (Harold W. Faw)
Ross, Hugh. Beyond the Cosmos, 51:4, 267, D 1999. (Dominic J. Caraccilo)
------. The Genesis Question, 51: 3, 197, S 1999. (Guillermo Gonzalez)
Roth, Ariel A. Origins: Linking Science and Scripture, 51:4, 274, D 1999. (Bernard I. Piersma)
Royal, Robert. The Virgin and the Dynamo: Use and Abuse of Religion in Environmental Debates, 52:4, 265, D 2000. (Daniel J. Berger)
Ruse, Michael. The Darwinian Revolution: Science Red in Tooth and Claw, 2d ed., 52:2, 136, J 2000. (Dennis W. Cheek)
------. Mystery of Mysteries: Is Evolution a Social Construction? 52:2, 139, J 2000. (Dennis W. Cheek)
Russell, Robert John, Nancey Murphy, Theo C. Meyering, and Michael A. Arbib, eds. Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, 52:4, 274, D 2000. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Schopf, J. William. Cradle of Life: The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils, 52:3, 209, S 2000. (Dennis Cheek)
Seidel, Peter. Invisible Walls: Why We Ignore the Damage We Inflict on the Planet ... and Ourselves, 52:2, 127, J 2000. (O. C. Karkalits)
Shabecoff, Phillip. Earth Rising: American Environmentalism in the 21st Century, 52:4, 264, D 2000. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Sh”fer, Lothar. In Search of Divine Reality: Science as a Source of Inspiration, 52:1, 63, M 2000. (Robert A. Campbell)
Shapin, Steven. The Scientific Revolution, 51:1, 50, M 1999. (T. Timothy Chen)
Shapiro, Howard-Yana and John Harrisson. Gardening for the Future of the Earth, 52:2, 128, J 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Shuman, Joel James. The Body of Compassion: Ethics, Medicine and the Church, 52:4, 267, D 2000. (John Burgeson)
Shutkin, William A. The Land That Could Be: Environmentalism and Democracy in the Twenty-First Century, 53:1, 54, M 2001. (Braxton M. Alfred)
Sine, Tom. Mustard Seed Versus McWorld: Reinventing Life and Faith for the Future, 52:3, 210, S 2000. (David Condron)
Smith, Pamela. What Are They Saying about Environmental Ethics? 51:1, 57, M 1999. (Richard H. Bube)
Smout, Kary Doyle. The Creation/Evolution Controversy: A Battle for Cultural Power, 52:2, 140, J 2000. (Robert J. Schneider)
Sobosan, Jeffrey G. Romancing the Universe: Theology, Science, and Cosmology, 52:1, 65, M 2000. (James Wing)
Southgate, Christopher, et al. God, Humanity, and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion, 52:2, 133, J 2000. (Dennis W. Cheek)
God, Humanity, and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion, 52:3, 203, S 2000. (Fraser F. Fleming)
Stace, Alexa. Atlas of Earth, 52:3, 208, S 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Stoner, Don. A New Look at an Old Earth, 52:1, 66, M 2000. (Joseph Lechner)
Styles, John. The Animal Creation: Its Claims on Our Humanity Stated and Enforced, 51:1, 67, M 1999. (Martin LaBar)
Sumner, L. W. and Joseph Boyle, eds. Philosophical Perspectives on Bioethics, 51:1, 63, M 1999. (Richard H. Bube)
Sutton, Geoffrey V. Science for a Polite Society: Gender, Culture and the Demonstration of Enlightenment, 51:2, 133, J 1999. (Daniel J. Berger)
Suzuki, David with Amanda McConnell. The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place in Nature, 51:1, 55, M 1999. (J. David Holland)
Swimme, Brian. The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos: Humanity and the New Story, 52:4, 276, D 2000. (Robert J. Schneider)
Tallis, Raymond. The Explicit Animal: A Defense of Human Consciousness, 52:4, 286, D 2000. (Dan Simon)
Tattersall, Ian and Jeffrey H. Schwart. Extinct Humans, 53:1, 62, M 2001. (Glenn R. Morton)
Taylor, Eugene. Shadow Culture: Psychology and Spirituality in America, 52:4, 284, D 2000. (David O. Moberg)
Terman, Max R. Messages from an Owl, 52:1, 65, M 2000. (Lytton John Musselman)
Thiede, Carsten Peter and Matthew D'Ancona. The Jesus Papyrus, 52:4, 273, D 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Thrower, James. Western Atheism: A Short History, 52:4, 272, D 2000. (Major Dominic J. Caraccilo)
Tickle, Phyllis A. God-Talk in America, 51:1, 68, M 1999. (B. Spencer Haygood)
Tokar, Brian. Earth for Sale, 51:3, 204, S 1999. (Steven G. Hall)
Turner, Harold. The Roots of Science: An Investigative Journey through the World's Religions, 51:4, 268, D 1999. (J. David Holland)
van Huyssteen, J. Wentzel. The Shaping of Rationality, 52:1, 72, M 2000. (Dan Simon)
Vyse, Stewart A. Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition, 51:3, 205, S 1999. (John W. Burgeson)
Webb, Stephen H. On God and Dogs: A Christian Theology of Compassion for Animals, 51:1, 67, M 1999. (Martin LaBar)
Wells, G. A. The Jesus Myth, 52:2, 143, J 2000. (David K. Probst)
White, Andrew D. A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, 51:3, 187, S 1999. (Dennis W. Cheek)
White, Michael. Isaac Newton: The Last Sorcerer, 51:1, 51, M 1999. (William H. Hamilton, Jr.)
Wiles, Maurice. Reason to Believe, 52:3, 212, S 2000. (Richard Ruble)
Wilkens, Steve and Alan G. Padgett. Faith and Reason in the 19th Century, vol. 2 of Christianity and Western Thought, 53:1, 58, M 2001. (J. David Holland)
Wilkinson, John. The Bible and Healing: A Medical and Theological Commentary, 52:2, 134, J 2000. (Edward M. Blight, Jr.)
Willer, Roger A., ed. Genetic Testing & Screening: Critical Engagement at the Intersection of Faith and Science, 51:3, 199, S 1999. (Martin LaBar)
Wills, Christopher. Children of Prometheus, 51:3, 188, S 1999. (Glen Morton)
Wolf, Fred Alan. The Spiritual Universe: One Physicist's Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter, and Self, 52:4, 280, D 2000. (George Blount)
Wyller, Arne A. The Creating Consciousness: Science as the Language of God, 52:3, 204, S 2000. (Kai-man Kwan)
Young, Richard Alan. Is God a Vegetarian? Christianity, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights, 51:4, 264, D 1999. (James Wing)