Science in Christian Perspective

Letter to the Editor


On God and Suffering

Peter G. Nelson25
Duesbery Street
Princes Avenue

From: PSCF 52 (September 2000): 218.

Thank you for publishing David Holland's review of my book, Big Bang, Small Voice: Reconciling Genesis and Modern Science (PSCF 52, no. 2, [June 2000]: 132-3). He sets out the aims and contents of this very clearly. However, he says that I do not address "the issue of God and suffering." This is only partly true. I fully discuss the Fall (pp. 43-53, 102-3) and how this can be harmonized with science (pp. 104-5, 125-6). This deals with "natural" suffering. I discuss other kinds of suffering in my book, God's Control Over the Universe: Providence and Judgment in Relation to Modern Science, 2nd ed. (Caithness, Scotland: Whittles Publishing Services, 2000).