Science in Christian Perspective

Letter to the the Editor


Peace Through Strength
Walter C. Johnson, M.D.
132 Pine Street
Hanover, MA 02339

From: JASA 36 (June 1984): 127

I have noted the statement of An Evangelical Commitment to Nuclear Disarmament prepared by Evangelicals For Social Action printed in the September, 1983, issue of Journal A.S.A.

Although I am committed to the cause of peace and realize all too well the horrors of Nuclear War, I am convinced that a nuclear freeze at this stage could very well lead to the nuclear holocaust which all of us would seek diligently to avoid. If a nuclear freeze were not to precipitate a 3rd world war it might well lead to the terrors of Communist world domination, with the firing squad, the secret police, the concentration camp and the mental hospitals run by the K.G.B.-a state of ultimate human slavery and unrelieved and hopless misery. As the U.S.S.R. has military superiority at present, the commitment to a nuclear freeze would lock the United States into a permanent position of military inferiority and unpreparedness, thus perpetuating continued terrorism and Communist aggression all over the free world. Furthermore, judging by the past record of the Soviet Union, even if a nuclear freeze agreement were made between the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. the Communists would find some way of covertly building up their nuclear arsenals. As a member of the National Advisory Board of the American Security Council, I would advocate peace through strength as our most hopeful political method of avoiding nuclear war; however, far more important than any political measures would be a turning of our nation on a large scale to sincere repentance and saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and a total commitment to Him on the part of those of us who are His children.