Science in Christian Perspective

Letter to the editor


Did the Doctor Really Try?

From: JASA 28 (September 1976): 141

In the March 1976 issue of the Journal ASA Robert McGrew reviewed the book: Healing: A Doctor in Search of a Miracle by Bill Nelson. A quote from the review:

"Dr. Nolen had no doubt that Kathryn Kuhlman helped many people. However, he could not document one cure of a person with a serious disease such as cancer ......

Did the doctor really try?

May I suggest an investigation of the case of Captain John LeVrier, Houston Police Department, as related in the book: Captain LeVrierBelieves in Miracles. Is the Captain a fraud? If so, we have an obligation to expose him. If this story is true, then the Journal has a moral obligation to print a "Correction Please".

Rudolph P. Blaum
Captain, N.Y.C.P.D. (ret.)
83-33 75th Avenue
Glendale, N.Y. 11227